Figment Project 2011
The MoS Collective & Leave a Better Trace!
We’re masters of succession: A team of educators and artists at events supporting the global bottom line of clean water, air and soil.
As the second year we have time to be more creative.. so join in soon and bring your ideas!
Contact : dd (at) moscollective (dot) net
– Roaming and stationary master composters
– Pile of finished compost for interpretations
– The Summer long Mini-Golf hole : help make
– be a part of the eco performance weekend line up.
The Figment Festival June , 2011
First : The Fabulous Governors Island , NYC
The MoS Collective [Masters Of Succession]. MoS is working with the Figment Leave No Trace group. (We are “Leave a Better Trace”.)
MoS collectors will locate people with waste in hand to offer a compost bin disposal option for their apple core. (intercept compost before it goes in to the trash)
People will want to talk compost with Master Collectors. They will have questions and you will have answers or say “that is a good question” and send them to the EarthMatter table of compost pros.
As a culture, we inherently can make the richest most beautiful soil with our food waste.
BYO bike
We will be making successive t-shirts on June 1 at the potluck party meeting.
MoS Central Station : provides empty compost bin + a bin of new soil + seeds + newspaper