Thanks everyone for eating apples, sowing seeds, playing in soil and composting at Figment!
Check the MoS Collective page and the MoS Resources page for continued interest.
Shig teaching someone taking notes
Behind the scenes at Earth Matter of to Figment MoS Base Station
Liz and Composter trouble shooting
band of Bikes Vanessa and gang smoothie making composters
Enjoying the cool cran apple ginger smoothies
Fruit waste for the worms!
Happy eating worms making fertile poops
Worm questions and As
Roving Composters offering apples (in grn bag) and fermented bran
Yum taste buds = happy soil
Shig explains EM composting
have local healthfood order EM
Soil samples with lead and clay
Marisa, Earth Matter, explains planting technique with diverse soils
Kids plays while parents trouble shoot composting
Marga Shows off her fabulous successive t-shirt
swingers at waters edge
Learning to sift the 3 yr old leaf compost
She can’t stop. That means sifting soil is fun ;)
wow sifted.
Angelo explains mobile tomato planters
upside down seed pot in sub-irrigated planter
Compost Curious
June 16th, 2010 | Tags: Composting, Creative, participatory, Performance | Category: 1. MoS Participatory, 3. Figment Project, 4. Everything, New York City
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