First Nations Experience TV
I came across a station called FNX First Nations Experience: channel 14-1 — so great. I urge people to listen to this non extractive indigenous culture. With Standing Rock millions more people began to raise indigenous voices. That number has exponentially grown. We’re expanding social compassion through sharing personal stories, good & bad, often offering other ways toward beneficial succession. It’s an uncovering of wrongs to reweave healing. Maybe our separated nation will reunite to care for our local commons instead of blindly stealing, hurting the places and people that we can not see or know personally.
During this sheltering at home enjoy good TV. Plus no loud commercials! Let’s understand nuances of their thinking which supports respect, natural science, natural capital and designing with these tools that support the whole and provide exponential abundance instead of a depressing depleation of resources and health of our lives today. Instead of the detrimental succession, fear, greed and desperation created by our economic system gone awry, permeating the earth with micro plastics and vox — which ends our healthy resource flow immediately— which stresses existence further. We dump harmful chemicals in our water as a by-product of limited systems thinking. But we know this yadda, yadda — Aand onward we continue the transition.
All that said we recognize and take care of the commons. So we’re doing It. Every day we have better choices toward beneficial succession. Check out this station this winter! It’s for all ages! It’s part of the transition.
News, human rights, ritual, Snowboarding, doll making…
A clip I grabbed : FN-tv Video
the url to the station:
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