Annie’s Food Stories at Festival of Ideas


NYC, SAT. MAY 7:  Annie Hauck-Lawson at the Masters of Succession table with us!

Offering her Brooklyn Mompost! Come by and ask composting questions. She has the magic touch. She will have samples of her compost for your household plants. Your plants will thank you with their beauty.

Retrospective NYC Food Stories

Annie Hauck-Lawson, Co-editor, ‘Gastropolis: Food and New York City’ (Amazon) and Author, ‘My Little Town: A Brooklyn Girl’s Food Voice’

Come by and we help you map out some local foodie places in your neighborhood of abundance.

Food connects us to each other and from eath other to abundance. Stories are a great way of connecting people. Mix it up and succession happens. Get a taste of NYC’s past in Annie’s new book.


The New Museum Festival of Ideas for a New City on Saturday May 7th, 2011

Gastropolis contains wonderful truly enlightening stories of food in NYC. It is a “retrospective of NY’s past foodways” and a life-styles. Focusing on “NY’s multicultural foods and family-run businesses.” The businesses that connecting the quilt in which we live.

You’ll read about “Stories behind the foods you eat and know well, and you’ll be fascinated by all the things you didn’t know!”   – clips from Pam Warren’s review on Amazon January 4, 2010

Indulge in the abundance.

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