[Art] Gooseberry Island

Gooseberry Island

This Image sequence of movements by dd Maucher of dd is an improvisation with what was around me. There was no plan except to take a nap by the sea– which never happened.

There is no intentional message. However, there is a kind of dialogue between my feelings and found/discovered elements — my tarot card of the day. Ie: The boat line which held my bag in a roll, the stacked rocks, the tower. Duration was at least an hour or more. I ended in a conversation with some fishermen about swallows and invasive species (Comoran and Swans).

There is intricate meaning for me but I’d rather the photos speak for themselves.

©2014 please credit if u do download them but please do not download them :) thanks.

20141010-124220.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124245.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124316.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-131653.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124332.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124126.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124349.jpg   by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124455.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124427.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124510.jpg by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124536.jpg  by ddmaucher ©2014




20141010-124627.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124547.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124716.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124734.jpg  by ddmaucher ©2014


Next day after morning swim:

The bundle of orange with boating line wrapped around it became The Happy Monk’s Jumpsuit.

20141010-124913.jpg  by ddmaucher ©2014

20141010-125003.jpg  by ddmaucher ©2014

20141010-124946.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-124933.jpg  by ddmaucher ©201420141010-125044.jpg by ddmaucher ©2014

by ddmaucher ©2014


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