Gowanus Canal Sponge Park(tm)


This is a solution for sustainable Gowanus- in the works now since 2008 at least. It’s getting better all the time. This plan targets the combined sewage overflow issues as well as the overall biodiversity of the area. People and the environment will all benefit in this plan. And developers — higher rents though– downside. Healthy environments are expensive. You got to have a good paying job to be healthy.

CSO diagrams provided by U.S. Environmental Protection Agency,  POTW: Publicly Owned Treatment Works.

Sponge Park is trademarked so perhaps it will be beneficial franchise (BF) or licensed brand. Sponge Bob might want to invest. This is a nice project. I know what your thinking.. EM-1 mudballs. Gowanus is super fund so EM-1 mudball event  is not possible… at least for now. Maybe a SuperFund Clean-up executive will learn about EM1 and give it a try.  Then the water will be cleaner and the people and industry will allow it to stay clean as a by-product of their life. They will use bokashi food compost methods and beneficial microbes for their cleaning, cat boxes which cleans the sewers and CSO’s.  (that’s the hope at least with the education centers). The people in the area will compost and have community gardens to grow food, farmers markets on the shore with food delivered by eco-barge from upstate. Roof gardens will pop up, arts centers and micro-businesses making products out of the food and excess resources (waste).  Dog runs will have poo power programs. Bikers and kayakers by the millions will start cruising in to stroll, socialize and shop.


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