Internship & Residency

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Intern, Apprentice, Residency Available


Help us Organize lifestyles that also heal ourselves, relationships and the Earth.

Are you a whole systems thinker?
Do you like science, experimenting, making things, hosting skill-shares, researching urban & environmental design? Or maybe you love the English language, play with science & jabberwalky words to describe the new economy future?

Send us a text with what you’re into. Hopefully we can collaborate.

Any age, any color, any religion, from anywhere, differently-abled.


March to Mid June 2020

June to August 2020

September to December 2020

MoS Collective, based on the Lower East Side of New York City, creates space for us to live the life we see is possible. Which is only possible together as collaborators. We aim to integrate symbiotically to natural systems resource flows and networks to make our quality of life better— Aikido living.

As we live these lives we design (in heightened connectivity), they also heal everything as a by-product of our foresight.  The designs we envision for our chosen paths seek to create ecstatic abundance for the community as a by-product of what we do. Ha.

Join us!


Help me and us — we are many. (DD is just the one doing the media, outreach, MoS innovations.)
– Help teach through creative media making
– Brainstorm, play, laugh, create, innovate with me and others
– Help build interconnected MoBSter Economies and urban systems.
– Help develop, create and write about social technologies
– Brand & market through the lens of permaculture our lifestyle products: prototypes and create media

It’s all very funny, fun and super addicting.



Meet the LES Braintrust

We partner with a stunning Lower East Side brain trust greater than any one of us alone. The University of The Lower East Side will blow your mind. Dive in to this fascinating neighborhood. It will teach, support & guide your wildest ideas. When you come to MoS you’re connected to this LES brain trust of revolutionary thinkers ready to guide new leaders.


March  & April Applicants

• Ecological City Bioremediating Floating Sculpture due 5/9

• Biotextile workshops organizing and production

• The Ephemeral Piazza at El Jardin Del Paraiso with the EV Wellness Circle

• At Grace Exhibition Space the LES Design Plan, Skillshare’s & the Monthly East Village Wellness Circle


Helpful Skills: Mailchimp, html, programming apps, games, mapping data, environmental research, biotextiles, bioluminescence, outreach, advocacy, activism, filmmaking, editing, event production, logistics, business management, graphic and web design, Adobe, drawing, social media, photographers. Social justice, writing about regenerative culture & the New Economy, fungi production, urban planning, biology, environmental science.  What are you into? shoot us an email.


Intern Commitment

6 hrs a week at least per semester. For credit request that in the email.



10 hours a week minimum time commitment. Accommodations are available in the East Village or Bushwick. Negotiable rent for skills and hours.


Be an À la Carte Collaborator

Offer a skill as a collaborator too. We have a variety of projects not listed. Let us know what skill you can offer so we can add you to a team. No minimum hours just complete the project.

You’ll learn a lot and leave inspired having helped immensely.

[/vc_column_text][fancy_heading h1=”0″ icon=”icon-star” title=” “This is the Land of Yes”” slogan=” “] – Dani Polnau, created magic out of the everyday.[/fancy_heading][/vc_column][vc_column width=”1/4″][/vc_column][/vc_row][vc_row][vc_column][vc_btn title=”Write us here!” color=”peacoc” link=”|title:Contact|”][/vc_column][vc_column]


To be a Sustaining memberships

To Invest/Support/Collaborate  Go here

To Join our Archy. (Board of Directors)Page in redesign) Contact us. 


