Largest hydroponic Greenhouse

Next spring on the Brooklyn waterfront will be the first harvest from the largest hydroponic roof top farm in the country. Copy it. Copy copy copy. Local urban produce. We can feed ourselves locally yes we can.

Rain harvested from the roof will be 1.8 million gallons. Currently from this one roof, that rain floods the (combined with sewage) storm drains which causes the sewage in them to over flow into the river.

This local farm will save on transportation costs — and sell to local stores and markets.
100,000 sq ft roof yielding an expected 1,000,000 pounds of produce a year. Some say the taste is not as good but apparently with advances it’s improving. Do they know about the effective microbes? EM-1 probiotic solution would help.

Write us if you want an EM-1 consultation for your business, restaurant or farm.

Got a roof?


Photo by Eric Michael Johnson for The New York Times
An old Navy warehouse in Sunset Park will be home to a hydroponic greenhouse of up to 100,000 square feet. The developer says it will be the largest such greenhouse in the country.
Click for more info article By LISA W. FODERARO
NYT Published: April 5, 2012

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