Lego at OWS
“Legos are expensive” donation box. Apparently some Occupy activists are having good results by requesting donations for needs. This one, very nice person, was not interested in free Legos from Lego. He is independent. The Occupy Arts offered him something but he said no, he is independent.
We showed him the bottle cap collection as a free alternative to his expensive new plastic logos.
Just messing with him.
We observed his clear irony.
New Legos and logos everywhere!
I see a McCafe OJ, huge logo for FACEBOoK and Lego Land ofcourse, T-mobile logo on donation box, Starbucks coffee behind box.
It looks to me we are mixed up in our brands people don’t even see them. We are they and they are we.
Thought: Erase all logos – that’s fun. Can you take off the name on your car? On your “Beamer”? It’s such a cute nic-name — it’s love of a brand. A car without a name. I’ve never seen one. Marmot, Burton, ur favorite beer errr.
As long as we continue to define ourselves by brands we choose — what—
Why not?
No big deal.
Legos were awesome for the old world but caps are the new people’s choice.
As artist Rolando pointed out: cap art is not recycling. Recycling takes energy to melt material down to put it back into the system to cause the same issue again. Here caps become art and stop their cycle. Meanwhile more successive product packaging systems are being created. Less plastic needed.
Intricate source separation– so many pluses!