Lockdown at Grace Exhibition Space
MoS Collective’s instigator DD Maucher and Co-founder of EVWC spent April & May, 2020 at the Grace Exhibition Space showcasing Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis.
Masters of Succession Collective’s Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis quarantine 4- 6/2020 at Grace Exhibition Space as Artist in Residence.
if you’re around Sunday for free plants ask to see the exhibition. There’s limited access due to covid this has become essentially a private space viewable by the public.
MoS Collective’s instigator DD, Co-founder of EVWC with Wendy Henry, spent April & May at the Grace Exhibition Space showcasing Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. Incubating herself plus the Phyto, Micro Myco Moss, Mollusk and Me bioremediation tools. She brought Ephemeral Piazza characters together and the Plan LES Design Future.
What is all this? Where is it going? The questions from the permaculture group in 2010 with Deb Italiano and Food Network. We are doing it though. We are getting better n better, harnessing regenerative design to achieve abundance and justice.
I remember we were searching for a spokesperson. I developed a character from a parallel civilization from vast network of caves under the ocean. She would be our teacher. We’ve never met her yet or have we?
In the exhibition space I have images of her from over the years.
I can’t wait for the 100th monkey. It’s the beneficial virus we need.
Thank-You Jill McDermid, Erik Hokanson, Chis Batenhorst, Rachel & Lily Kaplan, Jk Canepa, Sonia Pena, Karin Kincheloe, Alex Weidler, Wendy Brawer, Marta Dann, George Hirose and Harry Lichtenstein, TeraGanix (EM-1), Golden Barrel (molasses), LES Ecology Center (compost), East Village Wellness Circle, Wendy Henry CRREW. Plant Gift-Away with Campos Garden, Arts Loisaida, LUNGSnyc & EVGrieve. Lori Kent, Sara, Elizabeth & Sue. MOS LoBS Exhibit: BioSpheres, Garbagia, Rolando Politi, Ann Lee, Ecological City, Seedball, Gaia Institute, Plan LES, Stewart Hoyt, Italo Morelli, Shig Matsukawa, Children’s Garden (Bokashi Soil).
Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/lockdown-at-gr…hibition-space/