9/22-9/24: LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! with us Sunday!

I’m pleased to announce (updated 9/19) 

LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! Free in the Loisaida Community Gardens! 


Sun. We have 3 Harvest Arts  — stop in! 

1. Weaving Willow at The Art of Wellness with Community Acupuncture

2. Garbagia Universe A fashion show depicting a Japanese story of evolution. (Look for the Hydroponic Vortex)

3. Beneficial Mud Balls making & artist’s think tank facilitated by DD.

At El Jardin del Paraiso Community Garden 

311 East 4th between Ave C/D starting at 11:30am! Wake up and feel good in the garden.


11:30am-1:30pm and on

The 2nd Sunday East Village Wellness Circle hosts “Art of Wellness” and Willow Weaving!

– Community Acupuncture (ears) by Wendy Henry and guests.
– Willow Weaving from La Plaza’s fallen beauties and other trees – ongoing through the day
– open space offerings

We can keep weaving, eating & sharing wellness practices  (zero waste event- byo utensils.)

Stage shows listed at LUNGSNYC.org


3:30PM Loisaida Center presents Garbagia Universe:  A story of evolution from Japan depicted by a universe of creatures & fashion show made with recycled materials. Directed by Zuleyka Alejandro and Juan Bautista-Climent. Artists: Rolando Politi, Marta Rosario, Kevin Perez, (Nick Broüjos, Nicola Tranquillino last year) Jamie McGann, Zuleyka Alejandro, Daniele Fabrizi, Juan Bautista-Climent, Dee Dee Maucher, Sonia Pena, Madison, Rosa, Bette, Jimmy S, Bob and random kids and many more!  Costumes available for those who want to join us! The Mushroom Mercheta, chemise del mar, hot pink elastic sacs, masks.

• Please help us pre show. I could use help with putting on the Mobile Wearable Farm Stand: The Hydroponic Vortex :0)

5:00 PM – 6PM
The MoS Collective: Masters of Beneficial Succession
A.  Artists Make Beneficial Mud Balls to Clean Waterways. The active ingredient food based dominant effective microorganisms.
Artists Talk: bioremediation Round Table Think-Tank facilitated be DD Maucher with artists Amara Abdal Figueroa, Jamie McGann and Madison Berg. How can our ideas mix with biology and ecology to heal people & landscapes as a by-product of what we do?
C. BONUS! We have possible Peace Makers from Bangkok coming to grow, what Shig have written out, the Empathic World. Take (dry) mud balls to the river, drop them in the water.

We will exchange a Peace Ball for an Empathic Mud ball and help them heal their river in Bangkok.


SHARE this page link: http://moscollective.net/WP/lungs-harvest-arts-festival-weekend/


Next Wellness Circle 2nd Sunday 10/8: Theme “preparedness”. NYC ready, Bike Ready, LES Ready, Natural first aid bag. Gordon, artist with Food Not Bombs, will tell his Florida story from last week and share his preparedness list.

Full schedule at LUNGSNYC.org > By the garden: look under “EL Jardin Del Paraiso”  Sunday.

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