Make A Mini Me

Hi possible Mini You,
We are making a miniature model village piazza that manifests when people come together then it fades away when they leave. They leave a better trace. Sounds like the eco version of burning man. BUT And However we are doing this on video so an any size of you is acceptable.

You can be you in paper doll form, sticks, homemade play dough.. try to be compostable for growing food. The mini me’s will be characters in the Ephemeral Piazza community. 

by MoS Collective for Loisiada Center.
Calling MoBSter LoBSters for a MoS MoBS LoBS Mini Lab! August to before September 12, 2020! Date to come,

Rolando Politi is leading us with Loisaida  Founder of MoS, DD’s contribution to the show called “Change” will be miniature version of the EP/Ephemeral Piazzas of the past. ha!  Yes, Tiny micro as microbes. We are going back in time to lIfe as a community of microorganisms in human form.

DD is currently presenting MoS Labs “Microbes to Metropolis”  at (GES). Garbagia theme “change” fits in perfectly with the phase three (of four) in the evolution of the Micro to Metro presentation at GES. 

We invite you! We call out for participants (anyone who participates) villagers to create miniatures selves — as a model of you with a lifestyle of beneficial succession. You may play a role in an ephemeral piazza show to be filmed by Loisaida Center’s Media Lab and performed virtual or live by us.



An EP is a mirage place. As a community permanent place is possible because we are in relationship with each other— not with an architecture.  In this time and place we have the community gardens to build our lifestyle choices of beneficial succession of air, water, soil and selves. The garden plaza appears as we create the community of serendipities. Inherent are the by-products. The place emerges, appears. It’s different from nomad— we don’t have to move, we arrive and leave arrive and leave — different from nomadic movin. We leave a better trace. We are of BS / beneficial succession. 

MoS villagers join us to make your own character. Since the piazza is ephemeral— it is a people based place. A non place place. A destination only when it is. 

Manifested with people and life relationships. First the people then the plaza.  The MoS  plaza is another word for relationship. The garden is where the piazza appears and then dissolves … leaving better-ness   each time.


When DD was interviewing the architects of Her hometown (she grew up surrounded by architects. There was a model of the village she  lived in on display in the “information” building near the piazza.  Her mother was a realtor in this cool new designed pedestrian village.  As kids they saw lots of architectural models.  We made models w LEGO’s inspired by our Lilliputian imaginary worlds.   

Anyway, Mr, William Conklin, one of the co- founding planners said, “Reston is a place we designed for people first— not the architecture  but the people first we imagined how they would live.”

This stuck.    Conklin went on to become an anthropologist which is telling. 

So the piazza is ephemeral — maybe not the right word. Closest misleading word is “nomadic” .. and really misleading is “virtual”.

Ha. Ephemeral implies there is a tangible place. Having a place holds us out of cyberspace which is good because we don’t want to be in cyberspace.

We’re at the garden as many times as we choose. We leave and reappear each time leaving a better trace.

How do we do be people without place? How can we build relationships without a place? Is this better than with place?  What is the difference? How does the effect community building and settlement design?

Mini me’s can be tiny tiny 1/2 inch to 7 inches.

Sign up to be a character of you August through September 12, 2020. The annual Garbagia show is a project of Loisaida Center.

We make a world with our waste stream at community workshops.  We also use and generate the organic matter excesses / byproducts in which to create further.

All for now,  Contact us here.


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