Making Harvest Arts: Permi Fashion 3 & Mudballs RoundTable

For LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival all over the lower East Side gardens. It was a bounteous day at La Plaza Cultural with willow weaving, acupuncture treatment, butoh performance, music, displayed our costumes again made for the Loisaida Center project by Resident Artist Juan Baptiste, community artist Rolando Politi and many others combined to create The Garbagia Universe fashion show.

Rolando made an amazing black hole, Marta a sun w a bike wheel that Rolando is spinning – Jaimie with a brilliant costume and Madison made a blinking eye. (Costume Names?) many more to mention. Dee Dee performed her permaculture #3 piece: a “Hydroponic Vortex” mobile farm stand with rain catch hat and water cistern backpack.

After the Loisaida show Amara hosted with Jaimie and Madison, artists, an Artist’s Bioremediation Think Tank Round Table about how our arts can merge with the beneficial succession of air, water and soil. (Posted photo is after the round table. )
We also taught people how to make mudballs — the Activated EM-1 this month was super fizzy.

Bioremediating microorganisms

Bioremediating microorganisms

Ann Lee came along and offered her art process — which involved eating salad. We all enjoyed that. Amazing dressing. Thanks Ann.


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