Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS) 3 evenings: Sept-10-11-12

A friend for Soapy the seal who lives in Esopus Creek.

A friend for Soapy the seal who lives in Esopus Creek.2024– in progress

Another Floating Bioremediating Sculpture: a microbial feast of exponential abundance.

Three consecutive evenings

September 10 – Permaculture Meet up 5-730pm: Micro & Phyto remediation

September 11 – Wandering Wednesday Pot Luck 5-7:30pm, Myco remediation.

September 12 – Opening & Installation festivities, doodling the future.

The Floating Bioremediating Sculpture A Microbial Banquet for the Estuary

At The Arm of The Sea’s new waterfront Tidewater Center for Art, Science and Wellness.

Drive into parking lot, continue down through the gate and park. Walk around to the backside of the tent.


61 East Bridge St Saugerties NY



5:00 – 7:30pm

With the Rondout Valley Permaculture Meet Up help put the Seal FBS (Floating Bioremediating Sculpture) estuary system together: it is a  cornucopia & banquet for the creek, microbes, frogs, fish, birds, humans.


Wednesday 9/11/2024

5:00 – 7:30pm (mosquitoes come out at dusk 7:30 eventhough normally this goes longer.)

A potluck with the Wandering Wednesday crowd

DD is making with others the final element…her version of Paul Stamet’s Myco hair booms.  (Myco enthusiasts welcome to get involved.)


Thursday 9/12/2024

5:00 – 7:30pm reception and launch installation party. Watch or help install it!  Opening reception & launch.

The Great Launch of a Floating Bioremediating Sculpture (FBS) with all this goodness. to help restore health as a byproduct of our lifestyles.  We will anchor it next to the island where it will go up and down with the tide, integrate and disappear.



Community Involvement

This is possible through many people in relationship to this manifestation. It takes a village of people living lifestyles of bioremediation and symbiosis (LoBS) to unfold this banquet for the river and it’s a friend to the Seal.

Add to the banquet for the Creek.
Join us in adding elements stockpiled in the Residency MoSLoBS Lab/work space.  Add to the table/raft. Ask: “Will the fish & critters, birds, benefit from it in their creek?”
Add something you do
Idea offerings: natural ink, natural dyes, natural colored fibers, certain bio textiles, biochar, fleece, clay, oyster fungi spawn grain, shells, dried medicinal plants, moss, oyster fungi, mollusk, SCOBY skin.  We’ll inspect the offering and integrate the ones that fit in.
On view
Watching Beneficial Ephemera
Sept. to Nov. 2024
Over several months we’ll watch how our beneficial by products from our lifestyles integrate over time and help the creek and Hudson River life.

Sept-Nov. 2024.  4 to dusk. Wednesdays & Thursdays.  Or contact us to see it by appointment ….  unless you have a kayak…


The Cornucopia Seal

Why a seal?

There’s a seal living in the Esopus creek that came over from Maine as an orphan (was tagged). This might be a friend for it? most of all help the river‘s health.

Living LoBS : Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis.



Artist Statement

I’m making art through intentional lifestyles of bioremediation and symbiosis to create the by product of beneficial succession of air, water, soil & selves for me, others and the environment.

Ultimately to grow our interconnected facia of living LoBS. We are the Ephemeral Piazza – an experimental society that grows from “Microbes to Metropolis”.

We help bring regen culture & permaculture participation in proximity. We must connect, talk, share, collaborate out from the piazzas,  evolve,  interconnect, grow the network so can we live LoBS to create healthy abundance and fairness in life. Then the deeper and deeper supply webs and resource flows we are creating —  are exponential in redesigning everything we do & make to be of beneficial succession of air, water, soil and selves, as earth’s systems work.

So come ! Let’s help grow toward redesigning or making obsolete all products of modern day necessities (currently all toxic) to work for 100% of life.

– dd maucher, BFA, PDC.

Spring to Fall 2024 Dee Dee Maucher as Artist in Residence at new Tidewater Center (in progress) in Saugerties on the Lower Esopus. Home of Arm of The Sea puppet theater.

DD is intentionally living LoBS to stockpile bioremediating biospheres, biomaterials, fungi, mollusk, paper ink & dyes from which I build with community into a Floating Bioremediating Sculptures (FBS).  But only one. Do I hear 3,333? 

Culminating with the Great Launch of Beneficial Mud Balls & The FBS 9/12/24 5 pm. 

14 yrs Permaculture & Living Systems Design bringing clients, their people, nature & community together in NY that cultivate Lifestyle of Bioremediation & Symbiosis (Living LoBS). 

14 yrs Artistic Producer of experiential multi disciplinary, social practice, place making art-bio installations. As founder of The Masters of Succession Collective she organizes participants living Lifestyles of Beneficial Succession (LoBS) to come together as a village in The Ephemeral Piazza (EP).  “Microbes to Metropolis” is an experiential MoS MoBS LoBS Lab of a 7 chronicle pedagogy written by each individual as life unfolds, as we live LoBS.  (Did I loose you?). 

15 yrs of multinational print and digital production, strategic promotion & branding, multimedia, interactive web, documentary arts, supporting ecology, arts and wellness.

 ✨May our lifestyles catalyze the exponential spiral of betterment making of air, water, soil and selves.


Insidemomentum, Masters of Succession, MoS Collective. All rights reserved. 2009- 2024


Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/microbial-banquet-sept-10-11-12/


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