MoS at FIGMENT Project 2010

MoS ROAMING Educators at Figment:

2011 we will be planning more fun. Please contact us to offer your eco-talents!

Entrance off the Ferry


– MoS collectors located people with waste in hand.

– We offered worm compost bin disposal for their apple core or any raw food intercepted.

Seeing the worms was a hit with the kids!
City information on Composting

– We accrued more collective participants.

– People talked compost with Master Collectors. We all engaged in multiple conversations and trouble shooting.

Liz answering compost questions

We mostly taught:

– Bokashi EM –  A fermenting method of composting

– Worms bin construction and use

– Thermophilic compost

– Distributed apples to passers

Carol and Marisa reviewing jared and tested soil samples

– Collected cores

– taught sub-irigation planting

– Leaf compost SOIL danced and tango’ed upon

Angelo demonstrating Sub-irrigation tomato pots

– Leaf compost was played in and kids learned how to sift it into fine soil.

Helper. Sifting leaf mulch.

– People sowed bean seeds and hopefully they are now growing up in windows around NYC.

– Fruit smoothies were enjoyed. Worms ate the waste. It is now beautiful soil growing more food in our gardens.

Worm bin soil sample and Thermophilic sample

As a culture, we inherently can make the richest most beautiful soil with our food waste

Shig teaching Bokashi Food Waste fermenting


DIY worm bin sample

Enjoy a fresh smoothie by the blender bike: our food waste provider

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