MoS Graffiti Paint In Eco Action

Finally, years go by and we have made time to make this paint! Phenomena-na-na-naa-na-na-na.

It is for paint way-finding, art, murals, splattering or symbols. (Instead of chalk or paint).  MoS Graffiti Paint. Put you’re art or messages anywhere and they’ll wash off to create betterment. You’ll leave behind flowers for bees, medicine, biodiversity, moss, mushrooms, healthier soil and water.

It was on the long list every year for the many processions in the LES and we succeeded to make the first samples this month at:
1. 6th St Community Center for the final mixing.
2. El Jardin Del Paraiso’s LUNGS Harvest Fest of Loisaida Center’s “Garbagia’s” “Hallucination Station’s” village experience.
3. Swale House on Governors Island around a drain.
4. Urban Soil Institute as way-finding.

Use stencils or just a brush. Paint everywhere on pallets / signs / fruit n veggie boxes tractors side of highway, sidewalks near grocery stores.

This MoS Graffiti is an eco tech play paint.

Make your own and share the photos with us.


1. Mix ingredients 

Reclaim old clay from ceramic studios or dig it up….  make an agricultural slurry with clay (colors), use natural dyes if it’s light color, seeds, spores, em-1, lichen, whatever else. Most seeds will last a week in the slurry. Massage in Activated EM-1, spores or grain spawn and other earth yummy ingredients. Oyster mushrooms are bioremediators.

2.  Repeat. Make a few versions for different microbiomes:
– for damp: em-1, lichen, moss, mushroom version
– for dry sunny: medicinal weed seeds, em-1 version
– for medium: a pollinator seeds, em-1 version
– for drains to waterways: em-1

3. Paint
– Use over or near disturbed land, or disturb it.  Break it open so seeds germinate. Remove grass on the edge of the sidewalk, scratch up hard dirt.
– Paint with the version that matches the microclimate.
– Pick a no rain window of time to maximize your effort.
Look at “we will not be silent” web site for ideas.

Photo below: Testing clay slurry on 6th St Community Center bricks. Howard was not happy since he assumed it was paint. HIs mind was at capacity when he was told that it was clay and would wash off.

Testing clay slurry on 6th St Community Center bricks. Howard was not happy since he assumed it was paint. He was told what it was clay as he watched it be applied. It washed right off.

Testing MoS Graffiti Paint clay slurry on 6th St Community Center bricks.


Below: Hibiscus tea pink.

Hibiscus Pink MoS Graffiti Paint

Hibiscus Pink MoS Graffiti Paint


Below: Harvest Arts Festival: The graffiti paint was one of MoS’s activities of beneficial succession lifestyle systems.

Harvest Arts Festival: The graffiti paint was one of MoS’s activities of beneficial succession lifestyle systems.

Harvest Arts Festival: The MoS Graffiti Paint was one of MoS’s activities of beneficial succession lifestyle systems.


Below: At Swale House with Urban Soil Institute on Governor’s Island. Painting w nature to bring attention to this drain next to a sidewalk and gallery houses.   This location is great for the EM-1 to go down the drain, the pollinator seeds, oyster mushrooms, moss and lichen mixed in different colors of dirt, orange and dark brown.

Mos Graffiti on storm drain outside of Swale House on Governor’s Iskand at the URban Soil Institute’s Workshop day and porch talks.

Mos Graffiti Paint on a storm drain outside of Swale House on Governor’s Iskand at the URban Soil Institute’s Workshop day and porch talks.


MoS Graffiti Paint for the Urban Soil Institute Festival at Floyd Bennet Field at Gateway National Park, Rockaway, NY.  Here it is the MoS Graffiti paint directions volunteer Christopher made at 2 critical points of potential confusion.

We had blue oyster grain spawn with us but this dry hot location does not favor the mushrooms.

Floyd Bennet Field, Urban Soil Institute Festival ‘19  MoS Graffiti Paint for way finding.

Floyd Bennet Field, Urban Soil Institute Festival ‘19 MoS Graffiti Paint for way finding. Second one.

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