MoS Tour of Greenpeace Boat
Some of the Masters Of Succession took a tour of the custom made Greenpeace boat fresh off the press. It was built in Germany for Greenpeace. 25 million or so Euros. First boat of it’s kind with the A frame masts.
They are off to the Amazon stopping n nyc for a week.
One of their new initiatives in NYC is focusing on the chemical fertilizer factory in NJ. Kearny. It is a damn shame this is even purchased because they are so many other better ways to fertilize soil that will make the soil better and better. (like EM-1 which is actually very heathy if swallowed).
So why do we continue to allow this dangerous factory to sit across the river from 8 million precious people?
In the future the next civilization will say, “They poisoned themselves– the put chemicals on and in their food, in their water and in their air. What else did they expect?”
I spoke to the campaign coordinator about the beneficial mud balls.
We will be talking later this week.
Updates to come.