Get Bokashi Starter for Food Waste Fermentation
It’s ready! Make a donation and receive The MoS Fermented Starter. We made bokashi for workshop participants requesting it. Click “read more” to get some bokashi, organize your building, arrange pick up schedule, read pros/cons list & find next free workshop.
We offer:
• workshops at your home, building and office, contact us
• set up of a bokashi systems, contact us
• regular pick ups of boakshi food waste: Get together with other building dwellers to be more effective. Contact us
We have a growing list of eager sites of the gift of bokashi food waste. We are always seeking gardens eager to accept bokashi food waste which fertilizes and bioremediates owners land and water.
Compost vrs Ferment:
Compost is a putrification and breaking down. Fermentation is a building. Compost will so you will have to have freezer space or a worm bin or take it out. Without a proper balance of carbonaceous material, the compost can get stinky. Composting for gardens is limited to only fresh food scraps, no oils, diary or meat which will end up in the trash.
So you want to keep the gooey-gross-garbage-habits
You want to continue putting all your food scraps in the garbage can?
NYC now will offer compost pick up and if you use bokashi method that will be included. If you choose not compost or bokashi your food waste the trash will obviously smell, attracting rodents and bugs. It will fill up faster forcing you to take the trash out every day or two. You will have to sort through the goo when you may have mistakenly dropped something in the trash. You will have to touch and close a gooey-gross bag –> you will have to touch the gooey-gross bag to pull it out of the container where it will get caught on the side of the container and it will tear, thus dripping putrid garbage all over and possibly staining your Italian tiles –ewwe > the gooey-gross bag will get on your hands and clothes –> the gooey-gross bag will go to your building’s garbage or your garage to decompose or outside to attract animals > the food waste will be heavy and will break the gooey gross bag (this is a gross job for you and the garbage person/or super) –> The super will have to organize this disgusting mess –> There it will sit, stink & rot –> which rats and mice LOOOVE. Yippeee. –> The big bags will be heavy and gross –>then the heavy gross bags, full of everyone’s rotting food scraps, will get thrown into big stinky gooey-gross garbage trucks. Garbage trucks stink when they are full of the stinky, rotting mess. The heavy goo will hurt the backs of the pick-up people –> the bags will tear more as they are lobbed into the smoosher, spilling in the streets –> pedestrians, skaters and cyclists will careen out of control after they hit these slicks –> Cleaning the mess will be a stinky job no one wants to do –> As the rotting waste goes off to the land fill in increasingly more noisy, stinky, big trucks, the over-sized, out of scale garbage trucks are blind to anything around them and have killed people more than we care to know. The more people, the more food waste, the more goo, the more rats, the more loud trucks –> When trucks miss one day, the streets are a hazardous mess. As the gooey, gross, putrid garbage finally makes it to the land fill, it emits methane which is a greenhouse gas. The gas dissipates ozone in the upper atmosphere which filters out the UV light which turns us in to crispy toad prunes.
So when you say you don’t want to separate your food waste…
Bokashi Benefits:
There are so many good reasons to ferment food waste:
Basically the opposite of everything negative will happen.
There is probably a list somewhere but off the top of my head:
– for one: RATS do not like fermentation. Rats stay far away where ever bokashi is being processed.
– The food waste will become pickled, not a rotting pile of stench.
– The juice at the bottom, after 2 weeks closed, is also a fertilizer for your household plants, diluted 1/100. There are free workshops to learn more.
– You can save it up! You don’t have to rush out of the apt.
– It is in an air tight container and will not ooze anywhere or get on your hands.
– If it does get on your hands or end up ANYwhere … it is so full of beneficial life it will be a bonus for skin and flooring.
– The “em-1 food” which is grown is more resilient to pests and molds.
– The plants have shiner and more robust foliage.
– The plants have higher yields of food
– The food is more delicious.
– It is organic.
– No chemicals are needed.
– More local food means: • healthier people and less hunger. • less need to buy the vacant lifeless food • less fuel so food costs are becoming more equal to conventionally fuel-dependent grocery store vegetables. • more cooking and making delicious locally produced and packaged foods for meals. • gads zooks.. i can go on foreverrrrr!
Fermenting your food waste is the start of using EM-1 as an all around life-style product which heals and regenerates people, water, air and soil. The microbes are at the BOTTOM of the food chain.
Where to get the bokashi starter?
– from MoS or make your own or buy from many other sources. One pound of bran starter is a minimum donation of $10 and that lasts 2 months or more depending on how much waste.
– The food waste can become soil for your own food gardens or for farms or community gardens.
A Community System Vision: the bokashi-bike system
– If your building or block starts fermenting food waste:
1. individual households store their scraps in kitchen containers,
2. take their full containers to the garbage room or local drop off point to exchange for fresh empty container and more bokahsi.
3. The Super or community organizer has to move 5 gallon buckets of fermented food in air tight containers which is not heavy or cumbersome or messy, does no harm, nor smells, nor attracts rats. The Super is a happy camper! Effervescent!
4. The containers of food waste can be picked up by community organized cargo bikes or smaller trucks. With sealed containers, less spilling (unless there is an accident), attracting no rats and eradicating gooey streets (on which i have slipped on my rollerblades. I did not want to fall in that gooey mess though i had just slipped and was on my way into it! I kept my balance in a crazy fantastical succession of graceful floundering, and I did not fall in that gooey slick. Neither did I spoil my clothes nor bruise my bones! )
5. The NYC trash pick-up soon will take separated food waste via more giant trucks.. though, if your building uses the cargo bike pick-up, the beneficial microbes and their nutrients will be distributed to urban farms and brown fields for soil building and bio-remediation of toxic property and possible to new biodigiestor machines. Maybe the city’s waste management structure will catch on to the bokashi bike system!
– The bokashi business is elitist*, like me**, and everyone will volunteer*** (ha.. you laugh because it is ridiculous sounding. But i explain at asterisk’s).
It’s hard to change societal patterns. For me it is easier to educate a few people at a time than aiming to change a whole system. It is difficult to change patterns in this population. I wonder… where do populations start new patterns more easily? California? Where do the Californians start new? Oregon? Where do the Oregonians start new? Lasqueti Island? ( i just googled the spelling and it came up on waste recycling. Serendipitous.)
* elite meaning: bokashi is a better choice there for “elite =better”. We are aiming for better. We think this is better.
** since I am the author of this post claiming bokashi is better (which is elitist) and perhaps mere fact that I am thinking this system is better suggests I am elitist.
*** Why will people volunteer ? because erudite people study and learn that bokashi method is better and want to become bokashi “missionaries”. Sign up here
So ferment your food waste— it is BIO-Logical.