FALL 2012

October 6 and 7: the weekend

Harvest Arts Festival!

Lower East Side Community Gardens — free
Produced by LUNGS NYC.org (lower East Side Community Gardens) (Loisaida United Neighborhood Gardens)

At La Plaza Garden (9th St / Ave B-C) MoS’S LaboRAtory of Arts: We will be teaching and making

Beneficial Mud Balls

body lotion

all purpose cleaner


harvestable hats with seeds (plant in your garden when done)

– please gift whatever you make to someone or exchange what you make with a friend.

– Abundance cards. Take home the cards to share with your community. needs resource sharing for greater connectivity, less is more.

Stay tuned for growing details. Drink, Eat and be beneficially merry with us!


October 13: MoS is presenting for TED X DUMBO

Beneficial Mud Balls for the Gowanus

Galapagos Arts Space.

All day event

Part of CITY 2.0: Future visions of cities. 60 countries are participating worldwide!


November 10: Permaculture Teach-in with Claudia Joseph

Old Stone House, Brooklyn NY.

All Day

We are proposing to teach mud balls/bokashi.



Beneficial MUD BALL Making Party & workshop!

At The Bell House In Brooklyn

Produced with Six Point Brewery
Supporting the testing of the Gowanus water with the EM-1 Beneficial Mud Balls.
FAMILY MUD BALL Making and throwing plus A fun band for kids.

Photo by Jeremy Schaller

Photo by Jeremy Schaller


FALL 2012, TBA  a SAT:


Beneficial MUD BALL Making Party & workshop!

Hosted by The Publik House In Southampton
Produced with WISE.

Workshop and benefit to Support the testing of lakes and waterways with the EM-1 Beneficial Mud Balls.
FAMILY MUD BALL Making and throwing plus A fun band for kids.



Friday, AUGUST 24, 2012

EM-1 Boakshi and Mud balls

With Times-Up! & Green Map
Workshop Series

M’Finda Kalunga Garden, NYC,  Lower East Side Garden
Susan Greenfield and DD Maucher will be teaching EM, Bokashi and Mud Balls.

LOCATION LINK: View Larger Map

Photo by www.wisematters.org


Tuesday, AUGUST 7th, 2012

Mud Balls on the Beach

Hosted by WISE: Women’s Initiatives for a Sustainable Earth.
In Sag Harbor: A MoS  Intro And EM-1 workshop — we will be making mud balls on the beach just before sunset. 5-7. Contact Women’s Initiatives for a Sustainable Earth for more info.


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