Blue Oyster fungi blocks floating at high tide. These were contributed by Anne & Ted Apparu-Hall’s mushroom farm stand business in Ellenville & Prospect Park, BK.
Oyster fungi blocks.
If you missed the launch you can view the installation while intact or as it spreads, grows and decays. Watch it in the river going up & down with the tide.
These are oyster mushroom blocks from Anne Apparu-Hall & Ted. They sell mushrooms at farm markets. Permaculture, New Museum, Two Row, MudBall Ball collaborators. They donated 7 blocks that have previously flushed twice.
I took them out of the plastic, put them in these sacks. They float for now! They are at the top of the tide. They float about a foot up and come back down twice a day. I’m checking on them.
The 8th new block is fruiting on the raft under the seal head in its plastic for now. I’m not harvesting it. Oyster fungi are super bioremediators!
The area of focus is the sand bar island growing with life. May it become more of a super food for the Estuary — a banquet. It already is but over worked. May it be more of a pristine filtering paradise. This spot is below the former hydro electric plant which made this area an industrial paradise which has left a toxic legacy on top of our current harmful inputs.
Hopefully, the mussels I’ve been given will survive here. Anne & Ted brought me a handful of mussels and big snails their kids discovered in a pond! Very hard to find these! I want to propagate them and need help.
To see the installation! Park in the lot: or take a bus right to there. Walk to the most west tip of the park. Look to your left. If the Tidewater Center is open you can say Hi, check in, to whomever, go behind the tent. I’ve not secured a science dept yet so reach out if you feel moved to collaborate & or to sponsor this work.
Check out our participants, collaborators, sponsors, partners. We’re all one community working together. I’m adding people all the time — from the past too. 1000’s. Hard to keep track but I’m going to do this. It’s not about anything except the people. It’s really just about people connecting. Bottom line. Maybe there needs to be only one line that is everything all at once. (Isn’t that a movie?)
MôS Collective’s Living LoBS participant list.
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