Phase 5: Doodling Fantastical Futures
MoS LoBS Lab last month in Residence at Grace Exhibition Space! October Phase 5 (of 6) in our Journey from microbes to metropolis.October we are in Fantastical Futures. We are pushing the limits of imagination to doodle the future with the roots of the past on which to build the fantastical.
Open house patio Thursdays 5-8 on Fridays 2-10pm. (bring layers – we’ll sit outside.).
Private walk-throughs of the 6 phases of the MoS LoBS Lab journey. Private appointments/zooms for workshops: Small groups ok. Staying safe.
Donation appreciated. $30-$125* suggested for an hour tour. Donation for few ppl workshops: $150 – $350.* depending on supplies .
*Ask about volunteer, intern, gift, pay it forward. By no means do we want to limit access. We can create a fair everythings exchange. Sky’s the limit.
Throughout October
DD and collaborators will be ongoing: making
- Mud balls & Bokashi outside
- The building of the fantastical Doodletown Diorama.
- The Tango Tangles: spontaneous physically distant social dancing
- The Cocoon Meditation. Watch me hang out.
- Dream Journeys on mugwort pillows.
- The Passaggiere is everyday 5-8pm. Take a promenade to the plaza. Look into Grace window.
- Thursday’s 2pm the “C Talk Show” w JC Augustine.
- Friday’s 6:00 for stories w JK Canepa
10/16 Friday 7:30pm
Omer Gal, from the creative band Cookie Tongue, is performing inside Grace Exhibition Space in front of a green screen to display in the window monitor for the audience.
He’s an animator, musician, performer whose interest, if I understand, is to move people’s imagination further.
10/23 Friday
2pm Stewart Hoyt & DD will be drawing the future in paper on the window of the gallery. We’re chalking the sidewalk designs and making a diorama in the second tree pit. This will continue to grow. Stewart is a green builder, painter, sculpter, mover.
6pm Stories
7pm Tango Tangles
10/30 Friday
Halloween Mudballs for the Girl Scouts.
6pm JK Canepa & DD With JK & DD
7pm Tangle Tangoes
10/31 Saturday Halloween
Closing of Microbes to Metropolis.
We announce the mysterious Phase 6 of the journey. Clue: it is a winter game of life! Sign up to play. More to come.
DD amends soil water air & herself. Performative.
Ritual Of Beneficial Succession as Theresa Byrnes tAkers on as the next Grace Resident artist.
Doodletown embodiment with Stewart Hoyt
JC Augustin MC
thank you!