NY takes Phosphorus out of dishwashing detergents

Did in know it was in dishwashing detergents? I never looked at the ingredients. I know it’s in fertilizers. Removing it will prevent excess algae blooms. It will save taxpayers the money that is used to remove it. Right, don’t add to the water in the first place.  Effective micro-organism (EM-1) also clean up algae blooms. Research that and get back to me. ( it might be in German or Japanese)

Dangerous grass sign from Riverkeeper newsletter.Riverkeeper Helps Pass Statewide Phosphorus Bill
From Riverkeeper newsletter

On July 15, 2010, Gov. Paterson signed into law new legislation banning the use of phosphorus in dishwashing detergents and lawn fertilizers throughout New York.  Riverkeeper played a key role in shaping this critical law.  The law was modeled on legislation passed in Westchester County last year, which Riverkeeper also supported.  This new statewide ban will help to protect waters from harmful algae blooms like those that occur in New York City’s reservoirs from excess phosphorus pollution. As little as one pound of this pollutant has the capacity to grow 500 to 700 pounds of algae; algae impacts drinking water significantly, and depletes the oxygen supply in water, harming fish and other organisms.  Reducing phosphorus at its source saves municipalities the millions of dollars it would cost to remove phosphorus from storm water.  Removing this critical pollutant from the State’s waters is a significant victory.

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