MoS is working with a team of beneficial succession designers. Our Corp group is Stewart Hoyt Artist & Green Builder, Center For Bioregional Living with Andrew Faust, Wendy Brawer of Green Map, Paul Mankiewicz of Gaia Institute & Dee Dee Maucher of Living Systems Design.

We are designing a plan and drawing of the Lower East Side with our community connections.

It is starting off on a large 5 x 7 paper along with an asset map of the same size.

They will hang as they grow at Grace Exhibition Space (GES) on the Lower East Side of NYC.

GES will host us ongoing. They have also created a series of performances thus Spring and ongoing I think that so real to current ecological & human concerns. “Eco: Curatorial initiative: Water, Birds and Life.“

This that will support, question connect and catalyze our regenerative vision.

How well can art & culture be a foundation of village life.

Join us to plan 2020 Plan LES initiative with Grace Exhibition Space.

The more we are the more we become regenerative, sustainable, resilient, fulfilled and healthy. 

We’re calling all artists, performers, planners and community program makers, visionaries, gardeners, green builders, techies, scientists, nerds, foragers, activists, homesteaders, seniors, kids— all together.

Eco curation at Grace Exhibition Space will be fodder for our “regenerative fires”, connect us to advance, question our village economy & connectivity. 

Art as a catalyst to regenerative culture that has open discussion, reflection and inquiry. The heart felt visceral expressions that emanate from artists & performers will invoke strong or subtle inquiry, question our limited views & embedded beliefs. 

Along with a vibrant community of eco-artist performing there will be two unifying community outputs. 


A unified map and future people’s ecological, social, economic vision. 

A schedule of regenerative offerings.  Submit your events to a Grace. A schedule will go up  visible from the sidewalk if funded partners join us. We don’t have capacity for this right now but we hope to. 

We are fortunate in the EV/LES to have  decades of history upon which to live closer to this vision — more so than other areas of nyc. 

We’re hanging on to our precious bits and now let’s come together to share a future vision to be picked up by generations to come. We stand on the backs of giants.

Let’s build upon our strong history fiercely, creatively, truthfully and with playful fun.

Let’s build upon our strong history fiercely, creatively, truthfully and with playful fun. 

I like that I read LES is “self made place”. Join us In continuing this history of radical transformation and resilience. Come to LES to network into a regenerative culture — to make an impact we come together. 

Also joining us Ecological City Pageant, 6th St Community Center, Community gardens, Loisaida Center, East Village Wellness Circle and many more are interested. 

It will take a village — and fortunately we have one. 

Please contact us so we can keep you up to date.

Be Seen and heard.

We welcome assistance and partnerships with like minded groups.

Sign up to partner with us as a group or as an individual.



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