Invite 9/25 to 10/1 The Plaza Of The Wind Offerings

The Participants of Beneficial Succession present  The Plaza of The Wind Offerings 2021. Celebrating the fall harvest of the plaza fig tree & out artistic processes. A Harvest Week: We have invited neighbors to share what they love to do with you. We have kids, wellness, performance, workshops, dance and play.

Detailed schedule below.

2021 9/25 to 10/1  join us OUTSIDE of Grace Performance Space, 182 Ave C, NY, NY 10009. Between 11th & 12th Sts and Ave C. In partnership with & Harvest Arts Festival, Loisaida Wellness, The East Village Wellness Circle, The East River Park Action, LES Breathe and more.



Click on the image and print the schedule for the fridge. Fit to page or print it in 2 parts. 8.5 x 17.

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Schedule POW 

9/25/2021  & 10/2/2021 Partnering with LUNGS 10th Harvest Arts Festival!

SATURDAY 9/25/2021 

2:oo pm  Workshop
PoW: A Somatic teach-in. Write, Draw, Move. DD Maucher of MoS Collective. How can we create better air, water, soil & selves as a by-product of what you do. All ages.

3:00 pm Workshop
How’s our Air Quality?  There are new real-time monitors working 24/7! LES Breathe will show you how the sensors work & ways to protect your indoor air quality starting at 3pm. Check the air anytime at

4:00 pm  Talk
Benjamin Shepard On Sustainable Urbanism and Direct Action. A conversation between Benjamin Heim Shepard and LA Kauffman

6:30 pm Performance
Princess Princess

7:00 pm Performance



4:00 pm Happening
Mr Glean by Kappo Kappino (Artist, Rolando Politi): Mr Glean picks up cigarette butts and straws from which transform into art.

4:30 pm  Kids
Obstacle Course Building.  Children decorate boxes with harvest decor, origami, crayons, water paints. Wed. 9/29 it becomes anobstacle for a children’s race course. Led by Hary B. Lichtenstein, passionate in health & fitness and Frank Gonzalez. Again Tues. 9/28 and Wed 9/30.

5:30 pm  Social
Plazas and Piazzas with Lisa Saunders of Immerse Italy.



4:30 pm  Kids
Obstacle Course Build. Children decorate boxes with harvest decor, origami, crayons, water paints. Wed. 9/29 it becomes anobstacle for a children’s race course. Led by Harry B. Lichtenstein and Frank Gonzalez.

6:00 pm  Kids
Origami Led by fellow kid, Lily Kaplan, 11.

6:00 pm  Wellness
Acupressure treatments: Ear seeds with Wendy Henry, LAc with Rachel Kaplan, LAc Licensed Acupuncturists. Ear seeds are tiny metal dots put on meridian points on the ear. Press on them everyday to stimulate points. Info will be available for Acumobile, East Village Wellness Circle (wellness sharing) & the NEW Loisaida Wellness!

6:00 pm  Wellness
Aunt Sunny’s Shake ‘n‘ Wake demonstrated by A2NL2E



4:30 pm  Kids
Run their Obstacle Course Challenge: painted decorated boxes become an obstacle for a children’s race course. Led by Harry B. Lichtenstein.

6:00 pm Wellness
Herbal Class, Noreen Kelly, ND
Free Medicinal Herbal Class. We will learn how to identify medicinally viable plants, determine what is a “weed”, examine the traditional uses of these plants, look at some of the current science, and then make a tea. All welcome.

7:30 pm Social
Protecting Wilderness: Ancient Forests & Our Future Breaths. Learn about an ancient forest in Yaak Valley,  Montana – “The lungs of this continent”. It’s in threat of being cut and sold for profit. Write imaginings of what the forest has to teach us in the age of fires. Create a silk wildflower, native to Yaak Valley that will join a large puppet installed in this forest. With artist advocate Marina Tsaplina.



2:00 pm Social
C Tawk with JC Augustin.“Don’t  dream it, BE it.”  Live the talk show experience, live from Avenue C. JC channels Merv Griffin and Mike Douglas on Loisaida’s street of dreams.

4:30 pm  Family Fun
Tango Tangles.  Tangle & Untangle & Tango Milonga. Led by DD Maucher.



2:00 pm Social
C Tawk with JC Augustin.“Don’t dream it, BE it.” Live the talk show experience, live from Avenue C. JC channels Merv Griffin & Mike Douglas on Loisaida’s street of dreams.

4:30 pm – up to 6:30  Kids
Make Bioremediating Reliefs with artist Jacobie Zeretsky. Use clay, sticks, earthen plasters, sand, seaweed, small shells, plant matter, probiotics, plant based pencils, paper, cardboard.  We reflect:  “Who you want to be in the place you want to see”.

5:45 pm  Social
Protecting Wilderness: 
Ancient Forests & Our Future Breaths.  With artist activist Marina Tsaplina. Description Wed. 9/29 and also present on 10/2 at The MudBall Ball.

7:00 pm  Social
 “What’s your name?”
with JK Canepa.



The 8th MudBall Ball



2-7 pm 

El Jardin Del Paraiso, between Ave.C/ D & 4/5th Streets. 710 E. 5th St. Two gate entrances. One gate entrance on 4th St.

A culminating all together gathering where we become a bustling village center.

1. Bring a healthy dish to share

2. We come as “what we love to do in the place want to see” The one caveat is that we create the beneficial succession of air, water, soil & selves as a by-product of what we do.

The result is that we co-create a village piazza and an ongoing spiral of serendipities.




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