Poo Power Program
I have an Animal Shelter Permaculture Plan. The plan includes a Poo Power Program ideally run out of T-square park’s bathroom building near the dog run. Besides promoting the Poo Power Program with branding and bio bags.
Some of the poo in the shelter is used for the thermophilic composting system which breaks down the poo into soil for ornamental plants and to heat the grey water which radiant coils heat the outdoor doghouses. The dog houses are 2 stories and terraced. Houses roofs create a small patio for a dog bath and picnic table, food growing, etc.. it’s all connected. Hard to talk about one part without talking about the whole thing.
However, in order for a po power program to be started there needs to be many models in place to follow. Public spaces can’t take chances. (Good thing there are.. I found one in San Fran and others) Here’s one actually running a car! So we can do this.
If we send our poo to the landfill and it creates methane and green house gases. Flush waste and it contains parasites that can not be removed from the water then cause problems for pregnant women and more. Best practice used bokashi composting (ie: Bokashicycle.com) or make it in to fuel or soil for decorative plants.
Bio bags work for pick up outside of Dog poop.
I am working on my cat poo system. When i get to something I like i will share it. Likewise if someone has a good system let me know.
I’ll scan the shelter plan in and post it.