S21-22-23: Side-Shift à la carte NYC-update
Update: Monday 9/24: wonderful weekend. If anyone wants to put something together like this I can help you. (mixing site specific dance/contact /biking/ somatic studies/urban sustainability/arts)
Next: starting to work on loisida garden’s Harvest Arts Festival’s MoS LabORATory Arts. Oct 5, 6, 7.
A few Photos from our roamings: lots from the art faire on Governor’s Island:: very cellular dance creature like.
Video of treehouse interaction to come.
Update: 2pm: Sunday 9/23: aiming: 2:45 governors island ferry : 2pm: in Tompkins Square park. East Village, ave A/8th St (st marks)
Circus amok show at 1. We will watch a bit. There is another Circus Show at 4.
We will be biking to governors island ferry, dance bike ride around. Then take the ferry to brooklyn bridge park. Contact dd under contact in nav bar via email.
That’s the plan for now.
The Shift Jam will be at BB Park at 3:00pm.
I am your go-to-person for à la carte activities during the Shift Jam week-end of Sept 21, 22 and 23.
Side -Shift improve week-end is inspired by the enormous enthusiasm for the first NYC jam called “SHIFT”. The first week-end long jam in a very long time. The Jam is booked solid but you can still come and play and dance in NYC with other CI dancers. Sign up by going to contact to send a note, sign up on the Side-Shift event page at MoS Collective on Facebook. https://www.facebook.com/events/319749308123661/
Please post more events if you know of any. FB page. https://www.facebook.com/events/319749308123661/
My Hosting offerings are in BLUE/Green>; So we can roam together as the voyage from A to B becomes a dance as well. We can do site specific urban space improvisations as we frolic from here to there.
The options will be shifting depending on how many ppl and the weather may shift spaces and times a bit. If you RSVP i will send youg my phone number.
THURSDAY à la carte:
Thursday, September 20, 7:00 – 10:00 pm: Shift Class open: With Ophra Wolf and Dai Jian
Friday, September 21, 2:30 – 5:30: Shift Class open: With Rebecca Bone and Tim O’Donnell
$40 for both sessions, $25 each
FRIDAY: à la carte
Friday, September 21, 12-4:30pm: Times-up.org in Williamsburg: Hosted by DD
Chance to get a deal on a used dutch Mama-Chari commuter bike. (I go by bike. so if you want to join me by bike: TImes-up.org just got 1000 dutch bikes. They are selling at 150$ each. So don’t rent .. just buy. Times-up is open Thur/Fri afternoon. 99 South 6th Street in Williamsburg, off Bedford Ave right under the Williamsburg Bridge. http://times-up.org/index.php?page=time-s-up-1000-dutch-style-bikes-program)
6:00pm; We can bike together to grocery and Bushwick loft.
Friday, September 21, 7:30 -9:30: 5 RHYTHMS
5 rhythms: Night Waves w Tammy Burstein Joffrey Ballet, 434 6th Ave., 5th Flr. $20.
Friday, September 21, 10-1pm: LOFT DANCE IMPROV: Hosted by DD
Dancing, preparing food eating, relaxing Bushwick Loft. Rsvp for address. You can shop near by at Mr Kiwi’s or bring a pot o luck.
Friday September 21 11-4am : HOUSE DANCE
Dance in Williamsburg. venue: Dj line up at the Counting Room Basement. 10-4am: Justin Miller, 12-2 am, Miss Sabado DJ (friend) 2-4 am. Don’t know if there is a cover. May not be.
—— sleep—-
SATURDAY al la carte:
Saturday, September 22, 11am-1pm
K.J. Holmes: The Athletics of Intimacy, Improvisations Eden’s Expressway, Soho. Spring/broadway, $14
Saturday: September 22, 10am-1pm
Karl Anderson: Skinner Releasing Technique Randy Warshaw Studio, $14 or help project in community garden
Saturday, September 22 2pm-4:30pm:
SAT JAM: Is this still on w Shift happening? Eden’s Expressway. Soho. Spring/broadway, $5
Saturday, September 22 4:30p-5:30 FOOD, Hosted by DD
Mex food, Houston/Elizabeth (the only restaurant on my list) Tocambi.com http://www.tacombi.com/
Saturday, September 22 6:00p – 8:30: ROAM: Hosted by DD
Sunset East River Roam: amphitheater/Seal playground: music/relax/ improv/play (weather may change it to indoor space). Meet at the Seal Playground in front of : google map “the Lower East Side Ecology Center, NYC” Rain space –Bushwick loft for offerings
Saturday, September 22 8:30p : GARDEN : Hosted by DD
East Village C/9thSt La Plaza Community Garden to eat, bbq if willing bbqers. -(First we food shop ave C and 8th St) Eat dance play rest dance play. Rain space –Bushwick loft. laplazacultural.com
—- sleeeeeep —
SUNDAY S 23rd: a la carte:
Sunday, September 23 11-1pm: 5 RHYTHMS
5 rhythms: Sweat Your Prayers™ $20 Jonathan Horan at Joffrey: 434 6th Ave. (10th St)
Sunday, September 23 10-11pm: YOGA
free Yoga at La Plaza Garden
Sunday, September 23 11-1pm: BRUNCH Hosted by DD
Brunch: farmer’s market and partner body work, warm up at Tompkins Square Park.
Sunday, September 23 1-3pm – RAOM: Hosted by DD
ROAM: starting at 1pm Tompkins square grassy knoll warm up for sound and movement improvisations on the way and over the Brooklyn Bridge. (walk fast or bike slowly to borrow a bike/skateboard/blades.. contact me) Option: subway :) Hosted by DD
Sunday, September 23 3:00pm: SHIFT Convergence
Giant convergence with Shift Jam at 3pm on waterfront!! Then Surprises. — continue to dance, eat and rest and play
Sunday, September 23 7:00pm:
Ecovillages Presentation: “Ecovillages as a Model”: http://meetu.ps/kJ6dT A presentation by Daniel Greenberg Ph. D., founding director of Living Routes at Bluestockings in the lower east side.
Monday eve: weekly JAM!!
For more classes: http://www.movementresearch.org/classesworkshops/classdescriptions/?class=ongoing
Picking up bikes from Times-up.org we were shown by Keegan how the compost miller he just built works. It is for El Sol Brilliante Garden on 12th and B.