2/8 Seed Celebration & Swap

Today at the Old Stone House in Brooklyn, where I was answering questions and showing design plans, I picked up goji berry, kiwi (M&F), and grape from Baldwin Farm and seeds galore! I also learned that worms are not good for all soil. Old growth forests do not have to have worms since they use the fungi and bacteria to maintain itself. The worms were brought here by the settlers.

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Photo of the Old Stone House’s miniature diorama.  When settlers planted this house the Gowanus Canal waters came up all the way up near the house which was also full of oysters.


Design, Book & Catalog Table “Ask the Gardener”

This is a station where people can have their gardening and landscaping questions answered.

Dee Dee: ask the gardener. Garden systems design relationships with people, structures and local bio-regional culture.  (Master of Succession: MoS Collective)

Cindy: ask the gardener

Helen: ask the gardener

Swap Tables

Claudia: seed swaps

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Molly and Mathew both organize their seeds in old CD cases.

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Seedball dropcloth

Ted Hall and Anne Apparu. We have bags of flower seeds from the site. Mostly Rudbeckia Trilby, Echinacea, Sneezeweed and milkweed.

Seed Cleaning Dropcloth

Elainie Christopher Hudon Natalie Cushman

Compost Table

Sharon K. – Sharon will bring worms, we have a bucket of our gorgeous compost.

Jane Tomkiewicz

Seeding Table

Planting and Seeding information will be available at this table. We will have 1 copy of each. The documents are scanned and can be accessed on the website http://permaculture-exchange.org

Anandi Gandhi: seed planting and transplanting demo

Shayna Lewis: seed planting & sprouting

Annette Slonim: seed planting and transplanting

Seed Savers Exchange seed Art & Display Table

Aaron Smith: seed art Alexa Leister-Fraiser: seed art
We have some display clothes with seeds and a mosaic or two.

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Magazines pertaining to gardening.

There is Acres USA. There will be very limited space for posting designs.

Food Table

Steve Simicich – the V spot will be selling vegan empanadas and curried quinoa- kale salad

Sales Table

Elizabeth: seed sales Sam: seed sales
Permaculture Activist Magazine,  Hudson Valley Art Packs,  Fedco organic seeds

Information Table

Alex Beauchamp, Food & Water Watch: GMO & Fracking.  People who are helping will have  information at this table.

Seed Catalogs

There are:  Fedco Seed, Bountiful Gardens, New England Bamboo Company, Larner, J L Hudson, Seedsman, Rohrer, Kitazawa, St Lawrence Nurseries, Worm’s Way, Southern Exposure, BakerCreek Books – design and gardening reference books:  If you have a favorite to share, please bring it.

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Claudia, Elizabeth and Arron during clean-up.

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