6/7/20 Seedlings, Mud & Love Ceremony
Seedlings, Mud & Love Ceremony
Sunday June 7, 2020
Plant Gift-Away: 5–7pm
Planting Ceremony: 7–7:30pm
Loisaida Avenue on the Plaza 11th/12th Sts • 5–7:30pm
For East Village Wellness Circle Zoom info time come.
Wear a big circle skirt! For after the planting. Our cue is the banner drop.
inside viewers send gratitude to the skirts by spinning a hand towel or T-shirt out the window like a pin wheel.
Mask & 6 feet distance. The virus is still wide spread.
Seedlings & Plants
5pm -7pm
Pick up your free gift seedling at Grace Exhibition Space. All Spring through the big windows the grocery store line has been watching the seeds grow. The soil and pots from Campos garden. The basil seeds are organic non GMO from Campos. DD’s kale and tomato seeds are from seed swaps—from seed saving gardeners! Heirloom, organic, saved from their gardens to yours. Compost soil is from LES Ecology Center, plus potting soil from Sarah and Sue new EV Wellness friends. Sue brought me her Elderberry syrup. She’s also making her own algae. Wow.
Plus A larger Plant Gift-Away!
Campos Community Garden, Loisaida Arts & has lots of plants and seedlings to give away Sunday 5-7pm. Two hours! Come and get them.
We’ve been busy during lockdown growing from seed with masks on and no more than three ppl in the garden at once. DD has been solo inside growing at Grace Exhibition Space. Alex, JK, Sonia and more are tending to their soil and seedlings.
Pick up a free Bokashi Mud Ball.
Super soil fertilizers or river cleaners. Take one as gift from Dee Dee, Sonia, Rachel, Lily, Wendy B, JK and Harry. They can be crumbled and dispersed through out your garden or crumble a bit off and save the rest. Don’t put it directly in roots or seedlings. It’s concentrated. Throw it also in a the river with toxic sediment or algae blooms. If you throw it with a healing intention or prayer into the river it will sink to the bottom to restore the sediment. To make a measurable difference we’d need a million. Let’s go.
Right now maybe let’s grow high yield veggies and clean up the lead & arsenic in the tree bed soil around us. Plant or crumble the ball in the tree pits.
Thanks to Shig at Children’s Garden for 10 years our teacher, TaraGanix.com for the EM-1, GoldenBarrel.com for the 10gal of Molasses. LES Ecology Center for compost.
After Gratitude 7pm Clapping
Please join us for this culmination of sprouting season and reconnecting. Gratitude for each other. We did this challenge together.
– We want to take a community exhale (6 ft away) together. We are all grateful for each other and will miss greatly The New York City loved ones we’ve lost so far.. with a commemorative planting.
We will plant a mini raised veggie garden plus a beautiful guild with a flowering tree and perennial medicine. All plants have been donated from Campos Garden.
Banner drop is the cue for twirling in your circle skirts.
We’re zooming 5-7 and 7-730 we watch the ceremony. Log on here.
MosCollective and EVWC are inviting you to a scheduled Zoom meeting.
Topic: MoS Collective Plant Gift-Away & Planting Ceremony and partners
Time: Jun 7, 2020 05:00 PM Eastern Time (US and Canada)
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The small text at the top:
THANKYOU’s! Seedlings, Mud & Love Ceremony 6/7/2020 is an accumulation of DD Maucher’s Masters of Succession Collective’s Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis quarantine 5/2020 at Grace Exhibition Space, Artist in Residence. Thank-You Jill McDermid, Erik Hokanson, Chis Batenhorst, Rachel & Lily Kaplan, Jk Canepa, Sonia Pena, Karin Kincheloe, Alex Weidler, Wendy Brawer, Marta Dann, George Hirose and Harry Lichtenstein, TeraGanix (EM-1), Golden Barrel (molasses), LES Ecology Center (compost), East Village Wellness Circle, Wendy Henry CRREW. Plant Gift-Away with Campos Garden, Arts Loisaida, LUNGSnyc & EVGrieve. Lori Kent, Ceremony: JK, Chris, dd, Sara, Elizabeth & Sue, Robert Galinsky’s roof. MOS LoBS Exhibit: BioSpheres, Garbagia, Rolando Politi, Ann Lee, Ecological City, Seedball, Gaia Institute, Plan LES, Stewart Hoyt, Italo Morelli, Shig Matsukawa, Children’s Garden (Bokashi Soil).
Permalink: http://moscollective.net/WP/seedlings-mud-love-ceremony/