Sunday 4/09 Review: Deeply Dandelion
Wow ! What a way splendid Sunday!
Sunday, the grass was being reseeded for our future luxury.
We were all spread out around the garden which was fun to see.
Ann got some of us into morning shaking, some added Thai Chi tapping by David.
Wow we are so “deep“. (I’ve noticed “deep” is a new widely used descriptive). Deep ecology to deep listening. We are deep, meaningfully on point culturally appropriate and most of all we are deeply dandelion.
yumm loved our dandelion “day of nettles”.
The MudBall Village and Ball coming up May 21 at El Jardin.
It’s a celebration of Lifestyles of bioremediation where the empire simply falls away. We have already been living regenerative lives so we shift easily into a biophilic economy that is of beneficial succession. We casually become a highly functioning land. It spreads globally to a shift without war or a fight or a even struggle.
Last week Helen, permi friend, told me about a book with dandelions in the title– maybe this is our metaphor. Dandelions spread, resilient, resistant, healthy and full of benefits.
Rebekah added, the dandelions have deep tap roots. The roots go deep to pull the nutrients from below into the plant.
I added, then, bright yellow flowers soon to become the flying puffs which grow our community.
An Expansive Open Space: Sunday’s activities:
– The Nettle infusion by Marie went around the circle. Bring a mug.
– roll ons: Much gratitude for Maggie for offering her collection of oils, essential oil collection, roll-ons vials.
– David played mandolin.
– Gardening the plot by Marie, JK, Sonya, others.
– Fresh nettles by Sonya and JK with a Nettle plant give away
– EVWC dried nettle leaves from Flower Power divided up by Ann and DD.
– I saw lots going on.. add it to our notes if you like.
– professional portraits by Joan.
Lots of people had beautiful FOOD to offer. Yay. Thanks Sharon for homemade dehydrated apples, Sherri for rice, beans and sweet potatoes from Ave C local. Apples from Shirley, David made kasha with seaweed and kale..
Harry for his V-spot vegan nachos (8th St). Chana’s kale, beets, and Brussels, JK Mugwart and feaverfew. Late afternoon Joanne served her cantaloupe and Derek dug out the durian (?) (Tropical porcupine fruit). Chocolate was there by … some magical creature. Havarti and goat cheeses.
These are the things I enjoyed! I had water thankfully.
Remember summer is coming so bring water.
MudBall Village brainstorming for the May 21, Sunday The Beneficial MudBall Ball:
We are invited to participate as “mini villages” this yr. Systems of more than one person.
David plans: acquiring from observations from writers, from which a collective song appears and then he puts it to music and then dancers invent a new East Village mud polka — all derived in beneficial succession.
The closing circle was around 5:20.
We circled up near the table in the sunlight, arm around arm and … spontaneously started toning.
Lovely speechless closing.
Thanks to everyone by one — we packed up and Chana brainstormed a biobike trip next week with JK and Maureen. !
We lingered til 6:30pm maybe….
– DD recommended signing up in website for clinic hours w a third yr student.
– Feldenkrais Wellness Circle discounts w Igor! Contact dd or Igor Shteynberg at
– Flower Power workshops
– 5/13 medicinal plot workday at El Jardin’s. All welcome to dig in. :0)
– 5/14 is next wellness circle
– Always travel with your cup, spork, water and a hanky.
• 5/21 The Mudball Ball 2017! Sign up FB MoS Collective and on Meet-up
• Sought: producer/organizer types, join us to plan the MudBall Ball. Flyering, costumes, bring stuff over? Contact us here.
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