Posts tagged Ag & Ecology

Brunch: Making Bokashi & Water Cleaning Mud Balls! Feb 5, 2011

Workshop/Brunch: Making Bokashi & Water Cleaning Mud Balls!
Making Bokashi & Water Cleaning Mud Balls!
Part 1. 1:00 – 2:00 pm – Bokashi: making bran for fermenting kitchen scraps for rich soil for growing your own food.
Part 2. 2:30 – 3:00 pm – Role of effective microorganisms in our life: talk.
Part 3. 3:30 – 4:30 pm – Mud ball making for cleaning waterways and Good microbe plans for house and dog run cleaning.

Call for Soil Dancing at Figment

MoS Figment Project Soil is a vital element that unites us – without it, none of us could live. We are seeking dancers, artists, and improvisers of every culture to represent this life-giving force by expressing themselves in or around the soil (5 yr old soft healthy leaf compost). Modern dance, contact, butoh, tango, tarantella and all […]

Send us your Soil

SEND US YOUR SOIL: We are collecting soil samples from around the world in jars to compare with composted soil.  A variety is the aim. Sandy, clay, dry powdery, muddy etc. Whatever you can find with a note from where you harvested it. Farm soil samples wanted: GMO, mono crop farm soil samples wanted. We will […]

Figment Project 2011

The MoS Collective  & Leave a Better Trace! We’re masters of succession: A team of educators and artists at events supporting the global bottom line of clean water, air and soil. As the second year we have time to be more creative.. so join in soon and bring your ideas! Contact : dd (at) moscollective […]


WHOLE SYSTEMS EXPERIENCES SOIL ENCOUNTERS We will bring a party of soilful people to get you into dirt. Send us your soil!.  We’d like to get to know diverse soils to display and interact with during our events. COMPOSTING Home systems Worm bins Effective microorganism (EM) fermentation process Thermophilic (hot) bins and piles Cold bins […]

City of Dreams – Curibita, Brazil

It’s not a dream. It’s a necessity. Watch the video!   City of Dreams – Brazil Jaime Lerner : Brazilian urban planning guru. – He has a commitment to simplicity, no fear of simplicity. – Cities should have 3 main principles: mobility, sustainability, identity _transportation _extensive networks of parks: used flooding to his benefit, no mowing […]

radiant life

“Through the collective intentional efforts of many individuals, a healing momentum can transform our planet into the radiant life source it is intended to be.”  – Patty Ceglia As a Permaculture designer, architect, and life-long organic gardener, Patty Ceglia is passionate about finding the ecological balance for productive potential of every site. She teaches at […]

NRDC Green Gifts:

NRDC Green Gifts over 40 green gifts!

Fatcow hosting sale: a successive company

Sign up for FatCOW hosting and MoS collective gets a commission!  No cost to you. We are developing MoS educational free events that will make our watersheds healthier. We could use the funding to buy supplies. I have used this service for 10 years and they just keep getting better. Small, friendly and affordable. Great […]

EM’s antidote to PUs

NY takes Phosphorus out of dishwashing detergents

Did in know it was in dishwashing detergents? I never looked at the ingredients. I know it’s in fertilizers. Removing it will prevent excess algae blooms. It will save taxpayers the money that is used to remove it. Right, don’t add to the water in the first place.  Effective micro-organism (EM-1) also clean up algae […]

What we, at home, add to our municipal drinking water. According to the EPA, the leading source of pollution in surface drinking water supplies is polluted rainwater runoff. Many pollutants are found in legal, commonly used household products – cleaning chemicals for our homes, oil and gasoline for our vehicles, pesticides and fertilizers for our lawns, and pharmaceuticals for ourselves. Please help protect our […]

The Plastic Gyre: a resource?

Plastiki, the Boat Constructed from Plastic Bottles The purpose of this boat is to create awareness of the Gyre. Great Web site> It has just sailed in to Sydney Harbor. RECYCLED ISLAND The North Pacific Gyre of plastic to be used as building material for an island?  This is not a well researched […]

Chocolate for Fuel

Did I hear this right? A steering wheel out of carrots, body out of potatoes, fuel from chocolate. Chocolate waste? Is there a chocolate surplus in Europe?  “Gee, what to do with all this chocolate? No one seems to want it.”    Imagine a chocolate factory just for fuel. It fuels me so why not […]


“There is a Chinese proverb that goes, ‘Add humility to intelligence, it becomes wisdom. Add passion or fire to wisdom, it becomes enlightenment,’” Carandang says. “In soil fertility, it’s the same basis, that’s my opinion. It’s the fire that makes the living soil, and the fire is the microorganisms.” Click on photo for more from […]

EM in Mudballs developed by Dr. Higa

Click the book for a text from Dr. Higa who developed the EM. Dr. Higa Excerpt from link: As you will come to understand in greater detail as you read this book, used for agricultural purposes, EM has the ability to turn any type of soil, deserts included, into good, arable land capable of producing […]

Talk with Andrew Faust 7/27

” We will explore the spiritual, ethical and moral aspects of practicing a deep appreciation for the Earth, and the spiritual relationship between human beings and our ecology. Ecological crisis is interrelated with spiritual crisis and comes from an absence of a sense of the sacred and from a lack of awareness that our own […]

CITY OF WATER DAY 2010 Collective

CITY OF WATER DAY, Governors Island JULY 24, 2010 * Barbara Augsburger * E. Shig. Matsukawa: fermented bran, Effective Microorganism (EM) * Dee Dee Maucher: Eco Product/Business Development, Branding and Creative Media. Whole Systems/Creative Habitats Master Planner. Organizer of the MoS Collective.  Permaculture Design Certified. * Marga Snyder: Firefly Concierge: ecologically minded concierge services. Permaculture Design Certified * Carol Crump: Permaculture […]

Jersey City: Where do I want food and flowers?

Jersey City – Reinvent & Develop “Farms In The City – Know Food, Know Freedom LIBERTY LANDING &  LIBERTY PARK! As a frequent visitor to Liberty landing I would like to see food growing around the marina. As well as the vast parkscape around the Statue of Liberty is a perfect spot for FOOD freedom. […]

Farms In The City: Know Food, Know Freedom Jersey City’s objective is to create an Urban Agriculture/Food Access document and action plan that is realistic, easy to implement and empowers every day citizens to take action toward environmentally beneficial local projects. Educational Recreational Economical: fresh local organic food is the fastest growing segment of the food production industry. We know that our initiative […]

“How microbes defend and define us”


MoS at FIGMENT Project 2010

MoS ROAMING Educators at Figment: 2011 we will be planning more fun. Please contact us to offer your eco-talents! Entrance off the Ferry IMAGES FROM 2010! – MoS collectors located people with waste in hand. – We offered worm compost bin disposal for their apple core or any raw food intercepted. Seeing the worms was a hit with […]

Worms named after Earth

Recommended article: Article notes: Leonardo da Vinci’s observed 500 years ago that ‘We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot‘ and this still rings true today. Why waste precious funds on discovery of useless planets overhead or new deep-sea species that will be there tomorrow, while vital unrecognized […]

Figment 2010 Collective

The MoS Collective is a collective of citizens supporting our global bottom line: clean water, air and soil. MoS Collaborators: FIGMENT FESTIVAL, Governors Island JUNE 11-13, 2010 * Dee Dee Maucher:  Eco-Product/Business Development, Branding and Creative Media. Whole Systems/Creative Habitats Master Planner. Organizer of the MoS Collective. Permaculture Design Certified. * E. Shig. Matsukawa: fermented bran, Effective Microorganism […]

MoS @ Figment

June 11-13, 2010 Figment Festival Governors Island , NYC Focusing on Soil Succession: LOOK FOR US IN 3 FORMS: 1. as roaming collectors For the Master Collectors bring in your picnic a fresh fruit and veg to create some raw waste for our bins: apples, bananas, oranges, watermelons, strawberries, carrots, whole avocados. Friday look […]

Compost and Garden Links

A list of links!