Posts tagged beneficial mud balls

[Shig] EM-1 Uses Guide 2014 updated

[Shig] Guide for EM-1 Uses Updated 5-2014.
USEd to: improve soil health (farming and gardening),
b. Applications to plants,
c. Applications to water and wastewater,
d. Recycling food waste and composting,
e. Odor and fumes reduction,
and f. Cleaning.

[Shig] How many mud balls would it take to remediate the Gowanus?

A student at Columbia asked us after a TEd X Dumbo presentation in 2012, “How many mud balls would it take to clean the Gowanus and how much would that cost?”. The best answer would take careful study with pros who have remediated other large systems. However, Shig took the time to create an answer. […]

Workshop Pics: Microbes at M’Finda Kalunga Garden LES NYC

MoS workshop Sponsored by Green Map and Times-Up! MoS workshop at M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden as a part of the Sara D Sustainability Series. Thanks very much for everyone’s support and interest in the symbiotic beneficials and their ability to create healthy succession by working together. Times-up is working on offering free workshop series’ at many new […]

5/20 Mud Ball Ball Scene 1

; Yes Folks This Sunday (and next Sunday). Watershed Stewardship with The Beneficial Mud Ball Benefit Ball: “The Rehersal” Come in your big ball gowns, or summer play clothes to make mud balls (50 balls each) and dance with your dirty friends to Harry Connick Jr and New Orleans Jazz. Eat oysters and flaming brandy […]

Beneficial Mud Balls: healthier in one year.

As we ramp up for a presentation to start Mud Balls in NYC Schools… this article by Dr.Teruo Higa is sent to me by Shig. Read about the results of “A million Apologies to Mother Earth” project in Panang where over a million beneficial mud balls were thrown into the sea . Dr. Teruo Higa  talks of […]

50,000 visitors at NuMu Festival of Ideas More photos of our festive day to come.