Posts tagged bioremediation

The Beautifying Pushcarts Of Ave C

In April & May look out for 6 pushcarts on Ave C! Initially proposed for the community by Masters of Beneficial Succession MoBSters to help us beautify the avenue.  Debut is sighted for LUNGS Spring Awakening mid April. To partner or help bring this project to light contact us or go to MoS Collective at […]

3,333 Floating Sculptures

For the last two years dd, of MôS Town in the Land of MôSs, has made, with help, floating sculptures for a community ecological pageant on climate solutions. They have become Dressy Bessys of bioremediation (Doll with a variety of closures from 60’s). She uses the ingredients and supplies from the MoS Hpmmmm toolkit: The MoS […]

2020 Spring EV Calls for You

MoS Spring 2020 Calling all Mobster Lobsters! Calling all MoS Lobs of Mini Mobs’ (Masters of Succession Mini Mobs, Masters of Beneficial Succession’s, Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis) A February Ecological City Presentation 2/4 MOS instigator dd Maucher is presenting biotextiles:  Wednesday at Loisaida Center, 710 E 9th St 6:30 for the Ecological City Pageant with […]

MoS Graffiti Paint In Eco Action

Finally, years go by and we have made time to make this paint! Phenomena-na-na-naa-na-na-na. It is for paint way-finding, art, murals, splattering or symbols. (Instead of chalk or paint).  MoS Graffiti Paint. Put you’re art or messages anywhere and they’ll wash off to create betterment. You’ll leave behind flowers for bees, medicine, biodiversity, moss, mushrooms, healthier soil […]

9/24 The Harvest Arts of Mud Ball Making

Pleased to announce for The LUNGS HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL Artists Make, Talk & Walk Sunday 9/24 5pm – 6pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso 311 East 4th St. NY NY 10009 The MoS Collective: Masters of Beneficial Succession present: Artists: Make, Talk & Walk 1. ARTISTS MAKE The Art of Beneficial Mud Balls with artists. […]

Accepting Kayak Outing proposals

Instigator at MoS Collective, Dee Dee Maucher and several volunteers of HarborLab have been given the opportunity to  create our own outings when the kayaks are not being used.  DD has an American Canoe Association Certification, Water rescue, CPR and first aid. Send Ideas and proposals that will help create the beneficial succession of air, […]

9/22-9/24: LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! with us Sunday!

I’m pleased to announce (updated 9/19)  LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! Free in the Loisaida Community Gardens!  9/22-24 Sun. We have 3 Harvest Arts  — stop in!  1. Weaving Willow at The Art of Wellness with Community Acupuncture 2. Garbagia Universe A fashion show depicting a Japanese story of evolution. (Look for the Hydroponic Vortex) […]

Figment 15: Thanks for throwing mud balls!

Figment Project 2015! The Stockpile of Mudballs #4. We came, we saw, we threw them in.
Pledge to help make 1000 mudballs. 1. Host a garden party: We will advise you. Approx a 4 hour party with 10-20 people and kids. Have a ball. Then deliver them to Smiling Hogshead Ranch and we will invite you to a throwing event.
2. Come to one of our 2x a month Mud Ball Workshops at Smiling Hogshead Ranch in LIC or elsewhere… we will be elsewhere. In Aug we will be kayaking down the Hudson River. . Contact us > CLICK more.

Thanks for creating place & having a mudball!

Wow what a super fun MudBall Ball!
Outcomes? Ppl pleaseeee 
Send feed back … and what could help the next MudBall be like what you want your piazza to be like.

The piazza is full of life activities each one of us choose out of free will. Activities that will redesign everything to help clean water, air and soil and selves. Everyone is welcome to do what they can to improve our cultural designs. We focus on daily life in our world with intention of great design and a by-product of beneficial succession. To create a complete village we need to disagree with people to help contextualize our views and keep in check. If we spoke to only people who agreed with us we would be limited in outcomes. What can we do.. to better our lives and the planets? I say build piazzas, community gardens, plant food and nourish playful joyous communities that create bioremidiating lifestyles and collaboration. I want to see people be the change and practice it here if you can not manifest it outside. The piazza wants to be an active living solution to our daily lives that address directly our health and quality of life.

Bioremediating Ice Ball #15 with pure water

March 23, 2015 MOS LABS  The Masters of Succession experiment again. ESTUARY 2.0: Citizen science, Bioremediating Biospheres A Beneficial Bioremediating Ice Ball #15. The Phyto Myco Micro Ball: A pure water: “0 parts per million” filtered water by Molecule Project on 10th St. DD added into the balloon soil, EM-1 and shiitake spores, seeds, sunflower, […]

[Shig] EM-1 Uses Guide 2014 updated

[Shig] Guide for EM-1 Uses Updated 5-2014.
USEd to: improve soil health (farming and gardening),
b. Applications to plants,
c. Applications to water and wastewater,
d. Recycling food waste and composting,
e. Odor and fumes reduction,
and f. Cleaning.

The MudBall Ball Participants Update

The Masters of Succession Collective presents The Beneficial MudBall Ball Sunday June 1. A celebration of bioremediation & Symbiosis. The garden will turn into Mud Village for the afternoon. Adventure with the Masters OF Succession as we show off some of our favorite things to do that also have the by-product of healthy water air […]

The Giant Mud Ball Prop Update

“The armature is now all done….sturdy and with the narrow grid…pulp will adhere easier and better….

The MudBall Ball: INVITE & Ways to Participate

2014 is The 3rd Mud Ball Ball! A Bioremediation Maker Fair!

This year more projects, more participants, more partners means more cool ways to participate! EL Jardin Del Paraiso, Between 5th And 4th St Between Ave C and Ave D, 3-7 pm.

To learn more about THE BALL …

Billion Oyster Project (BOP)

OK MoS Collective’s DD and Caspar were able to go to the BOP training in Staten Island. Two new Oyster Gardeners hit the waterways!  We have cages to put in the water. We just need to connect with the next training to get the oyster babies. One cage will be hung in the East River […]

Pete Seeger: “Little Miracles”

“As a matter of fact this world is going to be saved not by people with long faces, ‘Oh isn’t it terrible, oh …isn’t it awful.’ It is going to be saved by the ppl who say ‘well it sure is terrible, well, let’s do something about it and they got a big GRIN on their face while they are planning some new ESCAPADE which is going to get people together to perform another little MIRACLE.”

[Shig:FFW] Fermented Food Waste Drop-off & Trenching

FFW Questions: “I now have several buckets of FFW [fermented food waste] and lots of questions. 1. Do any of you know of a compost place that would welcome some FFW to feed their worms? and maybe even on the other side give me back some FFW-fed worm compost? 2. If I find some barren soil and bury my FFW there, do I mix the FFW into the soil when I reclaim the FFW-treated soil? 3. Can you send me to a good website so I can learn more? – Grateful & eager, Maureen”

We love Figment! 2013 photos

June 2013 photos of The MoS Stockpile of Beneficial Mud balls 2013 3rd presence at The NYC Figment Festival! The Peace Parade with Nadette Stasa’s Peace Museum came by to toss some in! Many of the Masters of Succession were there to toss a mud ball! Thanks to MoS townies Shig Masukawa, Kappo Kappino, Stephanie […]

9/13 EM-1 at Earthdance

(9/26) The former gardener at Earthdance, Sean, started making his own EM-1 at the same time I met him Spring of 2013. He learned about it in Hawaii from a farmer. I offered my EM-1 so he didn’t need to take the time to make it himself now, which is a long task of experimentation. […]

[Shig] How many mud balls would it take to remediate the Gowanus?

A student at Columbia asked us after a TEd X Dumbo presentation in 2012, “How many mud balls would it take to clean the Gowanus and how much would that cost?”. The best answer would take careful study with pros who have remediated other large systems. However, Shig took the time to create an answer. […]

6/30 Hudson Rising Water Fest!

Learn to make Beneficial Mud Balls with MoS Collective at this festival. We will make some with you and  have some dry to throw which will help nourish and eat the waste in the marina water. We will have a limited quantity of bokashi & EM Activated starter bran for sale for those of you […]

5/26 The Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball!

Sunday A Bioremediation Participation Celebration!! with raw oysters and local beers, mud balls, seed bombs, the sound/cargo bike and bokashi. 1:30-2:30 The ride: Seed ball throwing music ride. Ride ends at The Mud Ball! Co-hosted by Meet at Gaia tree Tompkins Square Park. FACEBOOK invite 3 pm – 7 pm The Ball:  at El Jardin Del Paraiso […]

Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

10/6 & 7: Saturday & Sunday, 12pm until 5pm. The “Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens” is taking place on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday October 7 from noon until 5pm. The festival is a celebration of life on the Lower East Side in 12 community gardens. It is free and open to all. Each […]

EM-1 At Sara D Sustainability Series

08-09-2012 The MoS Collective taught a bokashi and mud ball workshop for the members of the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden.  It went in to the darkness of the night. The fact that EM•1® microbes co-exist with indigenous microbes is one reason why EM•1® has many varied uses. Press:  The Villager The Masters of […]


(Dutch only Click to page for link to activate) EM Mudballs Movement in Belgium As a part of the EM Mudball Movement, our partner in Belgium organized a pilot project to purify a pond using EM™ mudballs. This is the first time that EM™ Mudballs are applied to treat sludge in Belgium. The Focus WTV […]

Teach-in Picnic

DD Maucher in Sag Harbor talking about the MoS Collective and water healing mud balls.

MoS: Raising Funds to Clean Gowanus w/EM-1 Mud Balls!

Help test treat the Gowanus Canal with beneficial microorganisms! The microbial solution eats the waste, breaks down toxins and binds the metals so they can not be absorbed by living things. Double your money on IOBY this month! Helping at the root of the problem for long-term benefits. The program includes: workshops and fun interactive […]

NYT: Human Microbiome Project Decodes our 100 Trillion Good Bacteria

Human Microbiome Project Decodes our 100 Trillion Good Bacteria

Video: Figment Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls

FIGMENT NYC 2012: The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls! Thank you Keat, Shig, Michael, Naoko, TIm and all the others that helped out at the MoS Stockpile Saturday at FIGMENT Project! Video: Click for IOBY Campaign for the Gowanus Canal: Tax Deduction and swag and more fund events >>> SUPPORT ACCELERATED WATER CLEANING with microbes that eat […]

Can Beneficial Mud Balls Clean the Gowanus Canal?

Yes, Mud Balls have been proven to do clean polluted waterways, ocean bays. lakes and rivers around the world. Large bays like Panang Bay was cleaned up in 3 years. Help us do a patch test in the Gowanus. With this we aim to substantiate a city wide clean up of our waterways using EM-1 […]