Posts tagged compost

[Shig:FFW] Fermented Food Waste Drop-off & Trenching

FFW Questions: “I now have several buckets of FFW [fermented food waste] and lots of questions. 1. Do any of you know of a compost place that would welcome some FFW to feed their worms? and maybe even on the other side give me back some FFW-fed worm compost? 2. If I find some barren soil and bury my FFW there, do I mix the FFW into the soil when I reclaim the FFW-treated soil? 3. Can you send me to a good website so I can learn more? – Grateful & eager, Maureen”

[Shig:FFW] Fermented Food Waste around Trees

“How do I use my fermented food waste around trees?” Shig replies: For trees, bury at least 3 feet away, and likely you’ll have to dig pits instead of a trench because of the tree roots (for some trees, the roots may go out as far as 3 times its height). Make sure to keep […]

9/13 EM-1 at Earthdance

(9/26) The former gardener at Earthdance, Sean, started making his own EM-1 at the same time I met him Spring of 2013. He learned about it in Hawaii from a farmer. I offered my EM-1 so he didn’t need to take the time to make it himself now, which is a long task of experimentation. […]

6/30 Hudson Rising Water Fest!

Learn to make Beneficial Mud Balls with MoS Collective at this festival. We will make some with you and  have some dry to throw which will help nourish and eat the waste in the marina water. We will have a limited quantity of bokashi & EM Activated starter bran for sale for those of you […]

EM-1 Uses

This is a good overall resource for using the beneficial bacteria EM-1. This was sent out as a response for settlement use at Occupy 2011. Also mentioned for the pooping potential solutions discussed but never materialized. Not sure what they did when McD’s was closed. EM-1 bacteria solution loves waste. Shig brings it on straight. […]

Get Bokashi Starter for Food Waste Fermentation

It’s ready! Make a donation and receive The MoS Fermented Starter. We made bokashi for workshop participants requesting it.  Click “read more” to get some bokashi, organize your building, arrange pick up schedule, read pros/cons list & find next free workshop. We offer: •  workshops at your home, building and office, contact us •  set up […]

Figment Sat 6/11 Roving Food Spiral Usurpers

TIME AGAIN for the fun and frivolous participatory arts project FIGMENT On Governors Island June 10-12! “What are you bringing?” Come Rove with Food Spirals Usurping! JOIN The Masters of Succession Leave a Better Trace cargo trike Food Spiral Usurpers. Lead by MoS Collective! June 11, Sat 10-6! on the Isle of Gov Meet 10:30 – […]

NYC Local Abundance Map

Curator:  Marga Snyder, of Firefly Conceirge. View Local Abundance NYC Map

Shig’s Gd Microbe Wkshps Sats at El Jardin!

Connecting to the Earth for Abundance   Summer Saturdays w Shig !   All Summer! RSVP to make sure it is happening. Recycle Food Waste Workshop For fermenting food into soil WHEN:  Saturdays: 2-4pm WHERE:  at El Jardin 5th St Between Ave B and Ave C, NY NY RSVP: to make reservation FREE:  donations appreciated but not necessary […]

MȯS’s Figment Mini Golf Hole: Course Donations

The Compost Microbe Bug Food Spiral Mini Golf Hole Donations For MINI GOLF! Please donate! Each mini golf hole budget is $1000 in materials. They all have to be on raised platforms ($500). I suggested a $5 donation. #7 The Composting Micro Bug Food Spiral by Dee Dee Maucher of The MoS Collective The multitudinous […]

get your minds in the gutter

The School of the Future is a free ‘unschool’ where anyone can teach and anyone can learn. Adults and children welcome. And did I mention it was FREE?! Here are some of the classes we’d like to attend: Compost Brigade Pick up compost from McCarren park and bring it to Sgt. Dougherty for some experimental […]