Posts tagged Culture & Art

9/24 The Harvest Arts of Mud Ball Making

Pleased to announce for The LUNGS HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL Artists Make, Talk & Walk Sunday 9/24 5pm – 6pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso 311 East 4th St. NY NY 10009 The MoS Collective: Masters of Beneficial Succession present: Artists: Make, Talk & Walk 1. ARTISTS MAKE The Art of Beneficial Mud Balls with artists. […]

9/22-9/24: LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! with us Sunday!

I’m pleased to announce (updated 9/19)  LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! Free in the Loisaida Community Gardens!  9/22-24 Sun. We have 3 Harvest Arts  — stop in!  1. Weaving Willow at The Art of Wellness with Community Acupuncture 2. Garbagia Universe A fashion show depicting a Japanese story of evolution. (Look for the Hydroponic Vortex) […]

The Beneficial MudBall Ball Review & Photos 2014

On June 1st The Masters Of Succession Presented: The 3rd BENEFICIAL MUDBALL BENEFICIAL MUD BALL (The MudBall Ball) A Garden Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. The MoS Collective comes together to Seed Serendipity one Piazza at a time. [] [ – old link ] [the SHORT LINK: ]   , What is the MudBall Ball? […]

[sic] A New French Fanzine

A yearly French Fanzin curated by publishers editions En Scred, Lucie Van Der Elst and Marie Aubry. Lucie was in NYC interviewing urban farmers for the next issue, which I think will be comparing suburban and urban farming. So we may read about Smiling HogHead Ranch amongst other NYC gardens and farms around the globe […]

5/26 The Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball!

Sunday A Bioremediation Participation Celebration!! with raw oysters and local beers, mud balls, seed bombs, the sound/cargo bike and bokashi. 1:30-2:30 The ride: Seed ball throwing music ride. Ride ends at The Mud Ball! Co-hosted by Meet at Gaia tree Tompkins Square Park. FACEBOOK invite 3 pm – 7 pm The Ball:  at El Jardin Del Paraiso […]

Be a MoSTownian!

Be creative n’ active w MoS. Become a MoStownie! Participate and add your creativity, idea, projects to the town. To get started send an email with what your interests for the cool town of MoS. A virtual everywhere place where the by product of everything we do is good also for the water, air and […]

3/27 & 3/28 EM Expert, Pit Mau, from Germany visiting NYC

Learn more about Effective Microorganisms (EM) from the editor of the EM Journal and about EM in Germany. Pit Mau is the managing director of EM e.V., a nonprofit organization in Germany that publishes the EM Journal for which he is also the editor. He will be visiting New York City, and if you would […]

New Co-op for Women Rag Pickers in Dehli!

  Rolando Politi (aka: Kappo Kappino on Facebook) has started a women’s co-op in India. Rolando conjured up genius recycled art for the MoS contributions to the MoRUS fashion show and now he is on to DEHLI to start a very small factory as a first step for women rag pickers. The women will be […]

About MoS Direct Action Fashion

The MoS costumes seek to use materials that benefit the air, water and soil. The event was orchestrated brilliantly by The Museum of Reclaimed Urban Space. The Masters of Succession Collective designed with a life cycle in mind. We consider from where the garment comes, the function and where it goes after finished. We try to make costumes […]

Lower East Side Gardens Harvest Festival! The MoS LaborAtoRy Arts!

The LUNGs Harvest Arts Festival Every Fall! The lower East Side Garden Arts Festival. There were amazing offerings of art making at 25 gardens throughout the lower east side. The Masters of Succession is set-up at La Plaza Cultural. The MoS Collective offers the MoS Laboratory Recipes at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden a whirlwind making a mess […]

9/5 & 6 & 7: MoS @ Harvest Arts Fest! NYC EV

The 25 Garden Harvest Arts Festival!! Come to la plaza community garden this Sat/Sun 1-4 as a part of the Harvest Arts Festival to MoS LaborAtOry: make your own — orange blossom serendipity body lotion, — ginger-experiMINT toothpaste — Koala Wash eucalyptus all purpose surface wash Oh and — Beneficial Mud Balls ofcourse that revitalize […]

S21-22-23: Side-Shift à la carte NYC-update

Update: Monday 9/24: wonderful weekend. If anyone wants to put something together like this I can help you. (mixing site specific dance/contact /biking/ somatic studies/urban sustainability/arts) Next: starting to work on loisida garden’s Harvest Arts Festival’s MoS LabORATory Arts. Oct 5, 6, 7. A few Photos from our roamings: lots from the art faire on […]

Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

10/6 & 7: Saturday & Sunday, 12pm until 5pm. The “Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens” is taking place on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday October 7 from noon until 5pm. The festival is a celebration of life on the Lower East Side in 12 community gardens. It is free and open to all. Each […]

Video “This is My Home” An Elder Story

This Is My Home from Mark on Vimeo. (click link if not embedding well on blog) Listening to elders. What is their role in community? Are we herding elders off to gated zones .. separating them form people because it s easier and more cost efficient? Can planners integrate them and can neighbors step up […]

History of Social Landscapes Reflects Sustainable Architecture

          4 architects designing museums in the desert based on cultural traditions to make sustainable desirable spaces. Creating cool with underling principles — working with nature.  They reflect ancient cultivated discoveries in historic construction.  A great synthesis, interconnectivity and cosmopolitanism inspire their aesthetic choices that also create sustainable spaces that are […]

Dance Reflects on Rise & Fall of Civilizations

Valerie Green/Dance Entropy Jan. 20-22, 2012: Baruch Performing Arts Center, NYC Rise and Fall choreographic dance work is based on the cycle of a civilization running the following cycle: a new beginning, tracing footprints and remnants of the past, developing population, agriculture, industrialization, modernization, gross consumption, awareness, terror, population dissipation and knowledge to begin again. […]

Climate, Mind and Behavior 2/17/2012 Symposium

Good questions on mind and behavior: This is an upcoming symposium presented by the Garrison Institute to discuss insights from the social, behavioral, and cognitive sciences and their application to pro-environmental programs, policies, and technologies. This was forwarded to us from a friend. —– Call for Abstracts and Proposals: 3rd Annual CMB Symposium, February 15 – 17, 2012 […]

Colorful living!

Kind of like Waterview Cluster in Lake Anne Village.. .  I can see the inspiration… There are more! Are they happier people?  Imagine angry domestic disputes and rebellious teenagers– harder than imagining abundant welcoming people. Imagine an oil spill to the left and all the fish are dead. Imagine the large fishing boats casting […]


Calling For PARY PANTS People! Figment:  JUNE 10-12. 1.  Roving Gang of MICRO BUG FOOD SPIRAL People AKA: ROVING COMPOST APPREHENDERS 2. MICRO BUG FOOD SPIRAL Mini Golf 3. Mud Ball Stockpiles ————————————————————————-     1. CALLING Food Spiralers: Gang of Roving Compost Collectors Usurping Compostables from People Want something fun to do at Figment this year?     […]

MȯS’s Figment Mini Golf Hole: Course Donations

The Compost Microbe Bug Food Spiral Mini Golf Hole Donations For MINI GOLF! Please donate! Each mini golf hole budget is $1000 in materials. They all have to be on raised platforms ($500). I suggested a $5 donation. #7 The Composting Micro Bug Food Spiral by Dee Dee Maucher of The MoS Collective The multitudinous […]

Take These Broken Things

Think Geek is considering enabling this project if people are interested. Sign up below and we’ll see where this goes! Whether it’s in a school’s technology lab, or a FIRST Robotics team, or your neighborhood hackerspace, we’re betting somebody out there would enjoy getting a box of broken stuff from us every couple of months–and then use the […]

Richard Register talks Comfort: Video

          VIDEO: The day before I went to the pillow fight I interviewed RR. As I was logging and digitizing I noticed these pillows would be good b-roll. Newmindspace presents: Pillow Fight NYC Sixth annual massive pillow fight in New York City. Teddies fly and pillows soar as we gather for […]

3/12 Brunch, Bokashi & Healing Mud Balls III Photos

Great fun! Great turn out and feedback! – 25 more people took home the fermented bran for their food scraps. – 200 mudballs for the fling. More later.. packing up. Mud balls are made with DIRT and activated beneficial microbes.

Figment Mini Golf 2011 Accepted!

We have designed a golf hole for the Figment Govenors Island Mini Golf for 2011. The theme is Bugs and Features. We were invited to make a composting mini-golf to go along with our roaming gang of master composters at the Figment Festival this year. MoS’s Micro Bug Food Spiral Mini Golf hole: Volunteer artisans, […]

Mushrooms & Water Restoration

Watch a clip of the documentary and read Luz Grace Terranova’s writing on The Amazon Mycorenewal Project (AMP) in Ecuador which is cleaning up the Chevron Oil Spills that have polluted local drinking water.

Hudson River Fantastical Earth Parade

On-going costume and puppet workshops until May 22 — the parade. They started in the East Village parading to all the gardens. Each garden had activities for kids and adults. I remember stopping by a few of them. They were magical amongst the garden flowers, ponds and plants.  If I were a little kid I […]

Local Associations Respond to Needs

As budgets are cut, and professionally run service programs close, it may be appropriate to imagine the emergence of modern day Village Improvement Associations (VIA) and consider what projects they would now inspire. Following the Civil War, VIAs were started all over America. Small in scale, place-based, citizen driven, they were flexible to respond to a specific community. The Associations might organize concerts or put up window boxes on Main Street buildings, but just as easily serve regular meals to those in need or build a wing on the hospital or collect supplies for distribution after a flood swept through the town.

New Museum: Festival of Ideas May 7!

On Saturday May 7th, 11-7p MoS Collective at The StreetFair: MoS Collective will be presenting “Indulge in Abundance” workshops at the New Museum Festival of Ideas for the New City : a Street Fair. Come by so we can map your needs and resources. Also we will have workshops in making mud balls and homemade cleaning […]

Northeast Permaculture Convergence

  July 22 to 24 Their Mission: The mission for the 2011 Northeast Permaculture Convergence is to stimulate the network by focusing on local and regional connections, sharing resources, and continuing to define the structure, function, and organization of the group. Interactive presentations, roundtable discussion, and skill sharing mixed with healthy local food, music, and  social time. […]

Fermented Frocks: on Ted

The MoS Collective should have our succession event clothes made by her. :) TED 2011: Fermented Frocks