Posts tagged dance

9/22-9/24: LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! with us Sunday!

I’m pleased to announce (updated 9/19)  LUNGS Harvest Arts Festival Weekend! Free in the Loisaida Community Gardens!  9/22-24 Sun. We have 3 Harvest Arts  — stop in!  1. Weaving Willow at The Art of Wellness with Community Acupuncture 2. Garbagia Universe A fashion show depicting a Japanese story of evolution. (Look for the Hydroponic Vortex) […]

Dance Reflects on Rise & Fall of Civilizations

Valerie Green/Dance Entropy Jan. 20-22, 2012: Baruch Performing Arts Center, NYC Rise and Fall choreographic dance work is based on the cycle of a civilization running the following cycle: a new beginning, tracing footprints and remnants of the past, developing population, agriculture, industrialization, modernization, gross consumption, awareness, terror, population dissipation and knowledge to begin again. […]