Update: Monday 9/24: wonderful weekend. If anyone wants to put something together like this I can help you. (mixing site specific dance/contact /biking/ somatic studies/urban sustainability/arts) Next: starting to work on loisida garden’s Harvest Arts Festival’s MoS LabORATory Arts. Oct 5, 6, 7. A few Photos from our roamings: lots from the art faire on […]
September 18th, 2012 | Tags: 1. MoS Participatory, 5 rhythms, Art, community, contact impro, Culture & Art, Dance improvisation, Dance New England, Dutch bikes, fun, New York City, Place & space design, Public Space, SHIFT Jam NYC, site specific dance, sustainability, Times Up, urban biking, urban planning | Category: 1. MoS Participatory, 4. Everything, New York City, Workshops | Comments Off on S21-22-23: Side-Shift à la carte NYC-update