Learn more about Effective Microorganisms (EM) from the editor of the EM Journal and about EM in Germany. Pit Mau is the managing director of EM e.V., a nonprofit organization in Germany that publishes the EM Journal for which he is also the editor. He will be visiting New York City, and if you would […]
March 26th, 2013 | Tags: Ag & Ecology, Beneficial Microbes, bokashi, Brooklyn college, Composting, Culture & Art, effective microorganisms, El Sol Brilliente garden, EM expert, fermentation, Germany, Joshua Cheng, microbes, Mud Balls, natural cleaning, New York City, Permaculture, pit Mau, society for ethical culture, sustainability | Category: 1. Beneficial Microbes/Mud Balls, 3. Resources, 4. Everything, New York City | Comments Off on 3/27 & 3/28 EM Expert, Pit Mau, from Germany visiting NYC