The LUNGs Harvest Arts Festival Every Fall! The lower East Side Garden Arts Festival. There were amazing offerings of art making at 25 gardens throughout the lower east side. The Masters of Succession is set-up at La Plaza Cultural. The MoS Collective offers the MoS Laboratory Recipes at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden a whirlwind making a mess […]
November 6th, 2012 | Tags: 1. MoS Participatory, Beneficial Microbes, Culture & Art, DIY, fun, Harvest Arts Festival, la plaza cultural, Loisida gardens, LUNGS, Masters of Succession, Mud Balls, New York City, NYC, participatory, Permaculture, Place & space design, Succession, sustainability, water | Category: 1. MoS Participatory, 2. Food & Recipes (new), 4. Everything, New York City | Comments Off on Lower East Side Gardens Harvest Festival! The MoS LaborAtoRy Arts!