Posts tagged Mud Balls

3,333 Floating Sculptures

For the last two years dd, of MôS Town in the Land of MôSs, has made, with help, floating sculptures for a community ecological pageant on climate solutions. They have become Dressy Bessys of bioremediation (Doll with a variety of closures from 60’s). She uses the ingredients and supplies from the MoS Hpmmmm toolkit: The MoS […]

9/24 The Harvest Arts of Mud Ball Making

Pleased to announce for The LUNGS HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL Artists Make, Talk & Walk Sunday 9/24 5pm – 6pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso 311 East 4th St. NY NY 10009 The MoS Collective: Masters of Beneficial Succession present: Artists: Make, Talk & Walk 1. ARTISTS MAKE The Art of Beneficial Mud Balls with artists. […]

Accepting Kayak Outing proposals

Instigator at MoS Collective, Dee Dee Maucher and several volunteers of HarborLab have been given the opportunity to  create our own outings when the kayaks are not being used.  DD has an American Canoe Association Certification, Water rescue, CPR and first aid. Send Ideas and proposals that will help create the beneficial succession of air, […]

Bioremediating Ice Ball #15 with pure water

March 23, 2015 MOS LABS  The Masters of Succession experiment again. ESTUARY 2.0: Citizen science, Bioremediating Biospheres A Beneficial Bioremediating Ice Ball #15. The Phyto Myco Micro Ball: A pure water: “0 parts per million” filtered water by Molecule Project on 10th St. DD added into the balloon soil, EM-1 and shiitake spores, seeds, sunflower, […]

6/30 Hudson Rising Water Fest!

Learn to make Beneficial Mud Balls with MoS Collective at this festival. We will make some with you and  have some dry to throw which will help nourish and eat the waste in the marina water. We will have a limited quantity of bokashi & EM Activated starter bran for sale for those of you […]

3/27 & 3/28 EM Expert, Pit Mau, from Germany visiting NYC

Learn more about Effective Microorganisms (EM) from the editor of the EM Journal and about EM in Germany. Pit Mau is the managing director of EM e.V., a nonprofit organization in Germany that publishes the EM Journal for which he is also the editor. He will be visiting New York City, and if you would […]

Lower East Side Gardens Harvest Festival! The MoS LaborAtoRy Arts!

The LUNGs Harvest Arts Festival Every Fall! The lower East Side Garden Arts Festival. There were amazing offerings of art making at 25 gardens throughout the lower east side. The Masters of Succession is set-up at La Plaza Cultural. The MoS Collective offers the MoS Laboratory Recipes at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden a whirlwind making a mess […]

Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

10/6 & 7: Saturday & Sunday, 12pm until 5pm. The “Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens” is taking place on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday October 7 from noon until 5pm. The festival is a celebration of life on the Lower East Side in 12 community gardens. It is free and open to all. Each […]

EM-1 At Sara D Sustainability Series

08-09-2012 The MoS Collective taught a bokashi and mud ball workshop for the members of the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden.  It went in to the darkness of the night. The fact that EM•1® microbes co-exist with indigenous microbes is one reason why EM•1® has many varied uses. Press:  The Villager The Masters of […]

Phosphorus: Eastern Long Island

Southampton NY. August 8th 2012 After swimming in bioluminesence in a bay near my friend’s house, visiting the ponds and lakes around South Hampton with Gary Glanz and receiving an email about the Mill River Pond that is full of phosphorus I decided to do some catching up on phosphorus in Wikipeadia. The lakes I visited […]


(Dutch only Click to page for link to activate) EM Mudballs Movement in Belgium As a part of the EM Mudball Movement, our partner in Belgium organized a pilot project to purify a pond using EM™ mudballs. This is the first time that EM™ Mudballs are applied to treat sludge in Belgium. The Focus WTV […]

NYT: Human Microbiome Project Decodes our 100 Trillion Good Bacteria

Human Microbiome Project Decodes our 100 Trillion Good Bacteria

Video: Figment Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls

FIGMENT NYC 2012: The Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls! Thank you Keat, Shig, Michael, Naoko, TIm and all the others that helped out at the MoS Stockpile Saturday at FIGMENT Project! Video: Click for IOBY Campaign for the Gowanus Canal: Tax Deduction and swag and more fund events >>> SUPPORT ACCELERATED WATER CLEANING with microbes that eat […]

6/9 Sat Figment NY Stockpile throw!

Come put to Governors Island for Figment Project!! Participatory arts festival! Sat and Sunday! June 9 and 10. The stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls will be set up and ready for throwing. Thursday we deliver the, now hard crusty fermented, mud balls to the island. The MoS archy will be there to answer questions and […]

June 9: FIGMENT: Stockpile of Beneficial Mud Balls!

Figment 2012, June 9 & 10!   Figment Project 2012 SATURDAY 6/9 (SUN if there are any left) ON THE FIGMENT MAP  C9 :  that is along the waterfront before Castle William as your are coming off the ferry. scroll to the S’s.   At Figment: The second official throw event in the USA! (That is […]

Pics: Mud Ball Class at Trilok

Masters of Succession are teaching teachers how to make Beneficial Mud Balls to bioremediate the waterways. The EM-1 microbial solution is fermented inside them. This is on rainy day hosted by Vandra, of Vokashi Service fame, set us up. She also was able to get some dirt– on the-not-dry-so-dry-side. Lol– so this batch is very […]

MoS Tour of Greenpeace Boat

Some of the Masters Of Succession took a tour of the custom made Greenpeace boat fresh off the press. It was built in Germany for Greenpeace. 25 million or so Euros. First boat of it’s kind with the A frame masts. They are off to the Amazon stopping n nyc for a week. One of […]

EM-1 Uses

This is a good overall resource for using the beneficial bacteria EM-1. This was sent out as a response for settlement use at Occupy 2011. Also mentioned for the pooping potential solutions discussed but never materialized. Not sure what they did when McD’s was closed. EM-1 bacteria solution loves waste. Shig brings it on straight. […]

Miki’s NYFA Mud Ball Edu: buzzing wonder

MoS Collective: SATURDAY JULY 30th Weeksville Heritage Center hosted the NYFA sponsored project with Laundromat Project and Immigrants Arts event called “Seeding the City”. Miki Katagiri proposed Beneficial Mud Ball bioremediation class.  The MoS Collective went along to help her teach:  Shig, TIm, Naoko, Keat & DD. People came from a far to learn about […]

Urban Beautification Workshops & Potluck

When: Sat., July 30, 2011 | 12.- 5pm Where: Weeksville Heritage Center, 1698 Bergen St, Brooklyn, NY 11213 Cost: Free Making an Apartment Planter with Household Materials How to Solarize A Toy DIY: Tips on how to make your Home Sustainable Double Digging to Grow More in Less Space Learn the Benefits of Permaculture Learn […]

MȯS conducts 1st US Mud Ball Launch: Shakespeare visits!

Video Clip Succession is fun throwing Mud Balls + they clean water. Succession is fun throwing Mud Balls + they clean water + they attract sonnets. Succession is fun throwing Mud Balls + they clean water + which attract sonnets + doing “Thunder Bees” + “Sonneting”. NEXT MISSION: Succession is; Mud Balls + the Thunder […]

Little League Pitches Beneficial Mud Balls w MȯS

The Little League passed by and took some pitches. Watch You Tube Clip. They were playing on Governors Island during Figment Week-end. Impressive form.. we should do an entire workshop with the Little league and clean up the Gowanus. Alas:: it was time for them to play for real when coach walked by and said, […]

Beneficial Mud Balls Blast

More photos later – thanks everyone for coming out on a rainy day! Rain schmain. The little league walked by and pitched! The Shakespeare Anywhere ‘s came by for pitching while spewing sonnets. We created the thunderbee (like the thunderbirds airforce performers turned into be pollinators cleaning the waterways) formation launch sequence. The sonnets joined […]

Mud Ball Set-Up: Bazooka Droppers

Super Bazooka Mud Ball Droppers made last night by John Eberenz. With little time to make a propelling bazooka he opted for a simple dropper … to be upgraded for the next event. Italo made a mobilization capability.  

4/24 BB&M update

4/2: we had a fun group. Everyone was very excited ofcourse. We made a lot of mud balls — around 200. 4/23:  More new stories! Really it is just never the same. This time we talked a lot about pets, animals and EM due to the recent NY Post write up. Shig shared some interesting stories about […]

4/23 Brunch, Bokashi & Mudballs for water cleaning

Saturday April 23, 2011 1-5 pm At Jimmy’s No. 43 : 43 East 7th St. NY, NY 10003 (backroom) RSVP Space is limited: Indicate for which PARTS : 1. food scraps or 2. cleaning with beneficial microbes or both. Register at NEXT bioremediating mud ball  will be in the evening happy hours Next Bokashi fermented food waste […]

3/12 Brunch, Bokashi & Healing Mud Balls III Photos

Great fun! Great turn out and feedback! – 25 more people took home the fermented bran for their food scraps. – 200 mudballs for the fling. More later.. packing up. Mud balls are made with DIRT and activated beneficial microbes.

Brunch, Bokashi & Mudballs II: Photos

Photos from yesterday’s Feb 19,2011. Brunch, Bokashi & Mud Ball workshop at Jimmy’s No. 43 on 7th St. in the East Village, NYC.  Our next date there is March 12, 2011. We had the workshop in romantic cozy “bar lighting” which worked out well but not for the camera.           We […]

2000 Mud Balls by June!

We need your help! Our goal is to stockpile 2000 water cleaning mud balls by June 10, 2011. If you want to host a mud ball party let us know! Picture above is from an event people did in Penang in 2009. To make mud balls : here is the formula on the EMRO web […]