Posts tagged New Jersey

Send us your Soil

SEND US YOUR SOIL: We are collecting soil samples from around the world in jars to compare with composted soil.  A variety is the aim. Sandy, clay, dry powdery, muddy etc. Whatever you can find with a note from where you harvested it. Farm soil samples wanted: GMO, mono crop farm soil samples wanted. We will […]

Fatcow hosting sale: a successive company

Sign up for FatCOW hosting and MoS collective gets a commission!  No cost to you. We are developing MoS educational free events that will make our watersheds healthier. We could use the funding to buy supplies. I have used this service for 10 years and they just keep getting better. Small, friendly and affordable. Great […]

Jersey City: Where do I want food and flowers?

Jersey City – Reinvent & Develop “Farms In The City – Know Food, Know Freedom LIBERTY LANDING &  LIBERTY PARK! As a frequent visitor to Liberty landing I would like to see food growing around the marina. As well as the vast parkscape around the Statue of Liberty is a perfect spot for FOOD freedom. […]

Farms In The City: Know Food, Know Freedom Jersey City’s objective is to create an Urban Agriculture/Food Access document and action plan that is realistic, easy to implement and empowers every day citizens to take action toward environmentally beneficial local projects. Educational Recreational Economical: fresh local organic food is the fastest growing segment of the food production industry. We know that our initiative […]