Posts tagged Place & space design

9/24 The Harvest Arts of Mud Ball Making

Pleased to announce for The LUNGS HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL Artists Make, Talk & Walk Sunday 9/24 5pm – 6pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso 311 East 4th St. NY NY 10009 The MoS Collective: Masters of Beneficial Succession present: Artists: Make, Talk & Walk 1. ARTISTS MAKE The Art of Beneficial Mud Balls with artists. […]

The Beneficial MudBall Ball Review & Photos 2014

On June 1st The Masters Of Succession Presented: The 3rd BENEFICIAL MUDBALL BENEFICIAL MUD BALL (The MudBall Ball) A Garden Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. The MoS Collective comes together to Seed Serendipity one Piazza at a time. [] [ – old link ] [the SHORT LINK: ]   , What is the MudBall Ball? […]

La Plaza Snow

I was visiting the garden to bury my fermented food waste into the new soil beds. This will add lots of goodness to the new soil for growing this Spring. As I walked in I was in-awe with this scene — the configuration in which the candy colored furniture was left in this beautiful array […]

5/26 The Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball!

Sunday A Bioremediation Participation Celebration!! with raw oysters and local beers, mud balls, seed bombs, the sound/cargo bike and bokashi. 1:30-2:30 The ride: Seed ball throwing music ride. Ride ends at The Mud Ball! Co-hosted by Meet at Gaia tree Tompkins Square Park. FACEBOOK invite 3 pm – 7 pm The Ball:  at El Jardin Del Paraiso […]

Sunday with Green Map, Times-up! and Siempre Verde Garden

The day started with a tour around the edges of the Lower East Side with Green Map and Wendy Brawer and Ben Shepard of Times-up! The tour also was a discussion which looked into potential solutions for future flooding. The water marks basically were close to the original edge from this map of the Lower East […]

Lower East Side Gardens Harvest Festival! The MoS LaborAtoRy Arts!

The LUNGs Harvest Arts Festival Every Fall! The lower East Side Garden Arts Festival. There were amazing offerings of art making at 25 gardens throughout the lower east side. The Masters of Succession is set-up at La Plaza Cultural. The MoS Collective offers the MoS Laboratory Recipes at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden a whirlwind making a mess […]

9/5 & 6 & 7: MoS @ Harvest Arts Fest! NYC EV

The 25 Garden Harvest Arts Festival!! Come to la plaza community garden this Sat/Sun 1-4 as a part of the Harvest Arts Festival to MoS LaborAtOry: make your own — orange blossom serendipity body lotion, — ginger-experiMINT toothpaste — Koala Wash eucalyptus all purpose surface wash Oh and — Beneficial Mud Balls ofcourse that revitalize […]

S21-22-23: Side-Shift à la carte NYC-update

Update: Monday 9/24: wonderful weekend. If anyone wants to put something together like this I can help you. (mixing site specific dance/contact /biking/ somatic studies/urban sustainability/arts) Next: starting to work on loisida garden’s Harvest Arts Festival’s MoS LabORATory Arts. Oct 5, 6, 7. A few Photos from our roamings: lots from the art faire on […]

Video “This is My Home” An Elder Story

This Is My Home from Mark on Vimeo. (click link if not embedding well on blog) Listening to elders. What is their role in community? Are we herding elders off to gated zones .. separating them form people because it s easier and more cost efficient? Can planners integrate them and can neighbors step up […]

History of Social Landscapes Reflects Sustainable Architecture

          4 architects designing museums in the desert based on cultural traditions to make sustainable desirable spaces. Creating cool with underling principles — working with nature.  They reflect ancient cultivated discoveries in historic construction.  A great synthesis, interconnectivity and cosmopolitanism inspire their aesthetic choices that also create sustainable spaces that are […]

Reston’s Founder: His 98th Yr & His Family Story 4/19

Founder’s Day – 2012 Bob Simon’s Birthday 4/12 & Family History Story 4/19. Sat. April 12, in Reston ,Va: Community Celebration of Reston’s 48th & Bob Simon’s 98th Birthday Sat., April 19, 2012 Mr. Simon Talks on his Family History 12:00 – 3:00 pm Lake Anne Village Center FREE Family Fun There will be lots of […]

Sprawl, Segregation & Isolation: What 1964 Reston tried NOT to do.

he says. “If I wanted to live in a car-dependent area with a great big house, those would be quite affordable.” —
that makes me hurt inside. We tried to bring more walkable areas but were beaten down.

Mr. Simon didn’t say that but If he did I would quote him.
I didn’t know to try because I lived in Reston and didn’t know people were looking for it. It was designed with big roads for cars and it had walking paths. It was a balance.

If you research the original plans from 1964 you will see what wasn’t supported by Golf Development Corporation after 1967. Granted Mr. Simon didn’t sell enough homes to make his town successful in the beginning. Golf people knew what to do to change that negative spiral of sales. They gave the mass market what they wanted–what advertising was selling them. Reston grew and prospered in this balance of what people thought they want and what they didn’t know they liked. This new plan of mixing global traditions and new ideas slowly faded in order to sell more single family tradition doll houses with pitched roofs and small windows. Golf then sold it to Mobil for a profit. Mobil sold the remaining land for a huge profit and Terrabrook who sold their remaining land. Last I checked, in ’07 there were 5 acres left for a million and acre. The descendent developers changed things but they didn’t touch the Lake Anne area. There was no reason to tear that apart because it was planned too well. Simon in the 60’s was selling against what advertising was selling. Mr Simon had a different kind of living in mind being from NYC and having lived in Europe. Sprawl, isolation and segregation were not on his agenda.

The DOcumentary: “Designing Healthy Communities,” AIRS this now or soon: in New York, WLIW, 101 and 102, Thursday, February 2 at 4am; 103 and 104 Friday, February 3 at 4am.
— 4 am! that is insane maybe bc NYers don’t live in sprawl– everywhere else though it is airing when people are awake. Sorry DC/VA/MD you don’t see it at all. The land of sprawl. I’ll find in it on line and post the link — if I think it is good.)

DONATE to the film about Reston/MR SImon and the Early Kids of Reston. Email MoS collective info for details to participate in anyway. Production has started and stopped.

Climate, Mind and Behavior 2/17/2012 Symposium

Good questions on mind and behavior: This is an upcoming symposium presented by the Garrison Institute to discuss insights from the social, behavioral, and cognitive sciences and their application to pro-environmental programs, policies, and technologies. This was forwarded to us from a friend. —– Call for Abstracts and Proposals: 3rd Annual CMB Symposium, February 15 – 17, 2012 […]

Guerrilla Gardening at OWS

“Guerrilla gardening is the occupation of ill-used land to support the communities and ecosystems.” Vimeo:  Students from Sterling College in Vermont came down to Occupy Wall Street and showed us how to plant and sow seeds anywhere where there is soil. Grow winter greens and beets right in the parks flower beds. They spoke […]

EcoCities World Summit 2011 and 2013

MoS represented last year at Eco Cities 2011, in Montreal. MoS represented at the Montreal EcoCity World Summit. We went to the conference – viewed panels, shared time and poignant conversation with the founder Richard Register. Previously we had met him for an interview and tour of the East Village Gardens with Wendy Brawer of […]

Mr. Green Greened NYC

A.H. Green, worked with Olmsted on Central Park.  He was the major reason we have the Met, the Natural History, the Public Library, the Bronx Zoo and he was behind Riverside Park, Morningside Park, Washington Park. Now those spaces are precious. He preserved the Palisades, Niagara, City Hall…  More about Green in the MUG in […]

Underground City


NYC: Report a Bike Ticket

FROM Transit Aletrnative’s newsletter: It’s ridiculous that bicyclists are being summonsed while circling a park. Adults are not required by law to wear a helmet; it is not illegal to occupy a full lane of traffic; exiting a bike lane to avoid an obstruction (like this perhaps – below) is entirely legitimate. Cyclists being summonsed […]

NCY Bids Goodbye to a Waterfront Visionary

Participation at Pier 63

Skimmed through to the end excerpt by Nate Berg: “Burning Man and the Metropolis” Participation is the organic result of citizens continually taking ownership of their community and their experiences within the community.   “It changes their philosophy of how they want to be involved in their cities, how they want to be involved in their […]

Revitalizing Public Space

Ask what could you do.. not should. You are revealing what is there not creating something new. Revitalizing public space: “There are always people there. It’s Place making. There is an enormous amount of energy that is already there. Release it a let it grow. You can’t know what is there. It’s magical. There are […]

A Muddy Saturday! Packed house!

… yet always room for more! Next time we will have more of everything for more people. Great discussions and muddy hands were cleaned and nourished while building the Mud Ball stock pile for June Figment. Exciting discussion on germs, germination, microbes, bacteria and health. Stay tuned for next dates for Brunch, Bokashi & Mud Balls […]

Video! Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper: Renew Australia

PPS Presents: Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper: Lessons from Australia February 8 I didn’t go.. because it was too cold… I know… bbbbut it was streaming live! Watch live streaming video from placemaking at In the face of economic hardship, how can cities capitalize on their inherent creative ingenuity and create places in low-cost, immediate and […]

What Is “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” Placemaking?

What Is “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” Placemaking? “Lighter, Quicker, Cheaper” is a phrase we borrowed from Eric Reynolds at Urban Space Management we use it to describe interventions that produce immediate results, transforming underused urban spaces into exciting laboratories that reward citizens with authentic places and provide a boost to areas in need. These projects provide […]