Rolando Politi (aka: Kappo Kappino on Facebook) has started a women’s co-op in India. Rolando conjured up genius recycled art for the MoS contributions to the MoRUS fashion show and now he is on to DEHLI to start a very small factory as a first step for women rag pickers. The women will be […]
March 4th, 2013 | Tags: Crowd Source Participation (new), Culture & Art, dehli, Economy, green job skills, kappo kappino, micro enterprise, Permaculture, rag pickers, recycling, rolando politi, Succession, sustainability, untapped capital. Delhi, women | Category: 1. MoS Participatory, 3. Products, 4. Everything, New York City | Comments Off on New Co-op for Women Rag Pickers in Dehli!