Posts tagged regenerative

MoBSters Wanted

Do you wonder what you do about climate change? Or the Corona Virus? Or any problem? Ask how can I live a lifestyles of beneficial succession of air, water, soil & selves. If you are a MoBSter, a Master of Beneficial Succession, you start from scratch.. as best you can. 90% of dolphins (over fished) and […]

2020 Spring EV Calls for You

MoS Spring 2020 Calling all Mobster Lobsters! Calling all MoS Lobs of Mini Mobs’ (Masters of Succession Mini Mobs, Masters of Beneficial Succession’s, Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis) A February Ecological City Presentation 2/4 MOS instigator dd Maucher is presenting biotextiles:  Wednesday at Loisaida Center, 710 E 9th St 6:30 for the Ecological City Pageant with […]

Lake Anne Permaculture Design Plan

Here is the Permaculture Design Plan for Lake Anne Village. I 2009 All rights reserved DD Maucher. Republish for education and non for profit only. Background: The county and place of Reston gas been for yard trying to regenerate economy in this village center. Once big box and lots of shopping choices moved the money […]