Posts tagged 4. Everything

La Plaza Snow

I was visiting the garden to bury my fermented food waste into the new soil beds. This will add lots of goodness to the new soil for growing this Spring. As I walked in I was in-awe with this scene — the configuration in which the candy colored furniture was left in this beautiful array […]

[sic] A New French Fanzine

A yearly French Fanzin curated by publishers editions En Scred, Lucie Van Der Elst and Marie Aubry. Lucie was in NYC interviewing urban farmers for the next issue, which I think will be comparing suburban and urban farming. So we may read about Smiling HogHead Ranch amongst other NYC gardens and farms around the globe […]

[Shig:FFW] Fermented Food Waste Drop-off & Trenching

FFW Questions: “I now have several buckets of FFW [fermented food waste] and lots of questions. 1. Do any of you know of a compost place that would welcome some FFW to feed their worms? and maybe even on the other side give me back some FFW-fed worm compost? 2. If I find some barren soil and bury my FFW there, do I mix the FFW into the soil when I reclaim the FFW-treated soil? 3. Can you send me to a good website so I can learn more? – Grateful & eager, Maureen”

Building with Belts: functional fashion?

After having to move and reassemble compost bins a few times gardeners at Smiling Hogshead Ranch had the idea of using belts that would easily untie. (A bag of belts at Goodwill cost around $10.) Making Compost Bin Signs Planting fruit trees on either side of the railroad track Gorgeous original SHR Tenant grandfathered in. […]

1st Women Northeast Permaculture Gathering

October 2013: Thanks to the hard work and vision of many people the first Women’s Northeast Permaculture gathering at Omega Institute was amazing. Uma, photo below at the arrival desk, with co-organizer Laura Welland of Omega Institute’s Sustainability Center,  set in motion this idea. They worked with a seed group over the year who all […]

Indigogo bike carting biz!

Supporting this women’s bike carting business is also spreading what makes sense. Cars kill, bikes do not.

9/5 & 6 & 7: MoS @ Harvest Arts Fest! NYC EV

The 25 Garden Harvest Arts Festival!! Come to la plaza community garden this Sat/Sun 1-4 as a part of the Harvest Arts Festival to MoS LaborAtOry: make your own — orange blossom serendipity body lotion, — ginger-experiMINT toothpaste — Koala Wash eucalyptus all purpose surface wash Oh and — Beneficial Mud Balls ofcourse that revitalize […]

Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens

10/6 & 7: Saturday & Sunday, 12pm until 5pm. The “Harvest Arts Festival in the Gardens” is taking place on Saturday, October 6 and Sunday October 7 from noon until 5pm. The festival is a celebration of life on the Lower East Side in 12 community gardens. It is free and open to all. Each […]

EM-1 At Sara D Sustainability Series

08-09-2012 The MoS Collective taught a bokashi and mud ball workshop for the members of the M’Finda Kalunga Community Garden.  It went in to the darkness of the night. The fact that EM•1® microbes co-exist with indigenous microbes is one reason why EM•1® has many varied uses. Press:  The Villager The Masters of […]

Teach-in Picnic

DD Maucher in Sag Harbor talking about the MoS Collective and water healing mud balls.

The Sharing Culture

By The Sustainability Practices Network listserve. A discussion focusing on consumption services. Today people are reassessing the value of our consumer culture and scaling back on purchases. In response, many people are turning to collaborative consumption to save money and build community. Collaborative consumption is an economic model of sharing, swapping, bartering, renting or borrowing […]

Farm Bill Hackathon Projects

  Farm Bill Hackathon Makes Tools to Visualize Broad Set of Food & Ag issues . Over the weekend the Farm Bill Hackathon brought together (in person and virtually) 120 designers, data scientists, developers, marketing professionals, food policy experts, and USDA employees, to “hack” one of the most important pieces of legislation in the U.S. – the […]

Climate, Mind and Behavior 2/17/2012 Symposium

Good questions on mind and behavior: This is an upcoming symposium presented by the Garrison Institute to discuss insights from the social, behavioral, and cognitive sciences and their application to pro-environmental programs, policies, and technologies. This was forwarded to us from a friend. —– Call for Abstracts and Proposals: 3rd Annual CMB Symposium, February 15 – 17, 2012 […]

EcoCities World Summit 2011 and 2013

MoS represented last year at Eco Cities 2011, in Montreal. MoS represented at the Montreal EcoCity World Summit. We went to the conference – viewed panels, shared time and poignant conversation with the founder Richard Register. Previously we had met him for an interview and tour of the East Village Gardens with Wendy Brawer of […]

NYC Local Abundance Map

Curator:  Marga Snyder, of Firefly Conceirge. View Local Abundance NYC Map

Fest of Ideas! Raganella Homemade Lotions & Potions

Connecting to self for abundance       Liz of Raganella will be mapping our insides with healthy products that heal ourselves instead of harm. She will be teaching workshops on making your own beauty products and cleaning products. Come by and make some to take home. MoS table Location   She has hand-made a really […]

Eric Lancaster on EM-1

  Eric is the distributor for EM-1 in North America. He has produced many products with EM — even a delicious beer! He talks of a wider vision of EM-1.


Calling For PARY PANTS People! Figment:  JUNE 10-12. 1.  Roving Gang of MICRO BUG FOOD SPIRAL People AKA: ROVING COMPOST APPREHENDERS 2. MICRO BUG FOOD SPIRAL Mini Golf 3. Mud Ball Stockpiles ————————————————————————-     1. CALLING Food Spiralers: Gang of Roving Compost Collectors Usurping Compostables from People Want something fun to do at Figment this year?     […]

MȯS’s Figment Mini Golf Hole: Course Donations

The Compost Microbe Bug Food Spiral Mini Golf Hole Donations For MINI GOLF! Please donate! Each mini golf hole budget is $1000 in materials. They all have to be on raised platforms ($500). I suggested a $5 donation. #7 The Composting Micro Bug Food Spiral by Dee Dee Maucher of The MoS Collective The multitudinous […]

Daily News Article EM-1 and Pets

Susan and Shig quoted in DAILY NEWS article on EM and pet stain cleaning.                       

Reduce “Heat Islands” Project Montreal

La Ville en Vert, by the Montreal Urban Ecology Centre, has  a project where renters together plan, design, and renovate their neighborhoods to reduce urban heat islands — white roofs, trees, plants. This is a fun project for MoS to start partner maybe with ecological architects and landscapers and  (one at least) composting programs in the […]

4/23 Brunch, Bokashi & Mudballs for water cleaning

Saturday April 23, 2011 1-5 pm At Jimmy’s No. 43 : 43 East 7th St. NY, NY 10003 (backroom) RSVP Space is limited: Indicate for which PARTS : 1. food scraps or 2. cleaning with beneficial microbes or both. Register at NEXT bioremediating mud ball  will be in the evening happy hours Next Bokashi fermented food waste […]

Take These Broken Things

Think Geek is considering enabling this project if people are interested. Sign up below and we’ll see where this goes! Whether it’s in a school’s technology lab, or a FIRST Robotics team, or your neighborhood hackerspace, we’re betting somebody out there would enjoy getting a box of broken stuff from us every couple of months–and then use the […]

Permaculture Cert! Brooklyn: 4/30

Permaculture Design Certification is one of those mandatory courses for all humans. – dd __ Permaculture Certificate Programs The New York Permaculture-Exchange Urban Permaculture Accelerated Training begins April 30 To register contact: Urban Permaculture Accelerated Training & Urban Permaculture Design Certificate Saturdays 9am – 5pm April 30, May 14 & 21, June 4 & 11 […]

Richard Register talks Comfort: Video

          VIDEO: The day before I went to the pillow fight I interviewed RR. As I was logging and digitizing I noticed these pillows would be good b-roll. Newmindspace presents: Pillow Fight NYC Sixth annual massive pillow fight in New York City. Teddies fly and pillows soar as we gather for […]

3/12 Brunch, Bokashi & Healing Mud Balls III Photos

Great fun! Great turn out and feedback! – 25 more people took home the fermented bran for their food scraps. – 200 mudballs for the fling. More later.. packing up. Mud balls are made with DIRT and activated beneficial microbes.

4/2 Brunch, Bokashi & Mud Balls IV: Sat.

Saturday April 2, 2011 1-5 pm At Jimmy’s No. 43 : 43 East 7th St. NY, NY 10003 (backroom) RSVP Space is limited: Indicate for which PARTS : 1. food scraps or 2. cleaning with beneficial microbes or both. Register at (next BB&M:  Sat. April 23, 2011) Part 1. 1:00 PM   Pickle Kitchen […]

Figment Mini Golf 2011 Accepted!

We have designed a golf hole for the Figment Govenors Island Mini Golf for 2011. The theme is Bugs and Features. We were invited to make a composting mini-golf to go along with our roaming gang of master composters at the Figment Festival this year. MoS’s Micro Bug Food Spiral Mini Golf hole: Volunteer artisans, […]

Mushrooms & Water Restoration

Watch a clip of the documentary and read Luz Grace Terranova’s writing on The Amazon Mycorenewal Project (AMP) in Ecuador which is cleaning up the Chevron Oil Spills that have polluted local drinking water.

Hudson River Fantastical Earth Parade

On-going costume and puppet workshops until May 22 — the parade. They started in the East Village parading to all the gardens. Each garden had activities for kids and adults. I remember stopping by a few of them. They were magical amongst the garden flowers, ponds and plants.  If I were a little kid I […]