Posts tagged symbiosis

2020 Spring EV Calls for You

MoS Spring 2020 Calling all Mobster Lobsters! Calling all MoS Lobs of Mini Mobs’ (Masters of Succession Mini Mobs, Masters of Beneficial Succession’s, Lifestyles of Bioremediation & Symbiosis) A February Ecological City Presentation 2/4 MOS instigator dd Maucher is presenting biotextiles:  Wednesday at Loisaida Center, 710 E 9th St 6:30 for the Ecological City Pageant with […]

The Giant Mud Ball Prop Update

“The armature is now all done….sturdy and with the narrow grid…pulp will adhere easier and better….

Log pile, treehouse, lichen, phytonutrients & chlorella, wow

I was in the woods this week end and discovered that I might crave lichen. (Artistically, I occasionally portray a character from parallel civilization under the ocean. The tribe lives in symbiotic harmony with their ecology – “biocentric” perhaps would fit.) During a sauna here I decided this was a beautiful atmosphere for a photographic […]

Undersea Resilient Biomimicratic City Vision

This article post a city vision. Yo.. just as we were all envisioning! but why is it always motivated by fear? Why ferment your food waste because it is taking waste out of the municipal garbage which cost money and creates grnhouse gases which are killing us. How about bc is makes amazing fertilizer and […]