Posts tagged Uncategorized

Permaculture Cert! Brooklyn: 4/30

Permaculture Design Certification is one of those mandatory courses for all humans. – dd __ Permaculture Certificate Programs The New York Permaculture-Exchange Urban Permaculture Accelerated Training begins April 30 To register contact: Urban Permaculture Accelerated Training & Urban Permaculture Design Certificate Saturdays 9am – 5pm April 30, May 14 & 21, June 4 & 11 […]

Fatcow hosting sale: a successive company

Sign up for FatCOW hosting and MoS collective gets a commission!  No cost to you. We are developing MoS educational free events that will make our watersheds healthier. We could use the funding to buy supplies. I have used this service for 10 years and they just keep getting better. Small, friendly and affordable. Great […]


“There is a Chinese proverb that goes, ‘Add humility to intelligence, it becomes wisdom. Add passion or fire to wisdom, it becomes enlightenment,’” Carandang says. “In soil fertility, it’s the same basis, that’s my opinion. It’s the fire that makes the living soil, and the fire is the microorganisms.” Click on photo for more from […]

MoS at City of Water Day! NYC

We are not teaching Sustainability. We are teaching Succession. OFFERINGS at CITY OF WATER DAY: Kids helped us make Mud balls with activated beneficial microbes: They clean the water! We need to make 8 million mud balls!  Visitors signed up on the mailing list to be a part of the “1 million Apologies to Mother Earth” […]

MoS collects Oyster Shell Messages

The Masters of Succession were situated at the entrance of Noland Park next to EarthMatter‘s  lessons on composting and soil building.  Perfect combination of  soil succession and water revitalization. The Masters of Succession this time was orchestrated by Shig, Barbara, Marga, Carol and Dee Dee. The OYSTER SHELLS were consumed by last week’s patrons of Jimmy’s No. […]

Sat. July 24: Be Successive with the MoS!

City of Water Day Coming up! TESTING MUDBALLS at El Sol with Shig COME by us July 24th in the Noland Park Area to: Make EM mudballs to succeed dirty water Make an inscription on an oyster shells.  We will hang all the shells for people to read your prayers and wishes. Shells will at the […]

Jersey City: Where do I want food and flowers?

Jersey City – Reinvent & Develop “Farms In The City – Know Food, Know Freedom LIBERTY LANDING &  LIBERTY PARK! As a frequent visitor to Liberty landing I would like to see food growing around the marina. As well as the vast parkscape around the Statue of Liberty is a perfect spot for FOOD freedom. […]

Farms In The City: Know Food, Know Freedom Jersey City’s objective is to create an Urban Agriculture/Food Access document and action plan that is realistic, easy to implement and empowers every day citizens to take action toward environmentally beneficial local projects. Educational Recreational Economical: fresh local organic food is the fastest growing segment of the food production industry. We know that our initiative […]

“How microbes defend and define us”


Worms named after Earth

Recommended article: Article notes: Leonardo da Vinci’s observed 500 years ago that ‘We know more about the movement of celestial bodies than about the soil underfoot‘ and this still rings true today. Why waste precious funds on discovery of useless planets overhead or new deep-sea species that will be there tomorrow, while vital unrecognized […]