Posts tagged water

9/24 The Harvest Arts of Mud Ball Making

Pleased to announce for The LUNGS HARVEST ARTS FESTIVAL Artists Make, Talk & Walk Sunday 9/24 5pm – 6pm at El Jardin Del Paraiso 311 East 4th St. NY NY 10009 The MoS Collective: Masters of Beneficial Succession present: Artists: Make, Talk & Walk 1. ARTISTS MAKE The Art of Beneficial Mud Balls with artists. […]

Accepting Kayak Outing proposals

Instigator at MoS Collective, Dee Dee Maucher and several volunteers of HarborLab have been given the opportunity to  create our own outings when the kayaks are not being used.  DD has an American Canoe Association Certification, Water rescue, CPR and first aid. Send Ideas and proposals that will help create the beneficial succession of air, […]

Sloop Clearwater Volunteer Educator & Sail Training Week

A few MoS Collective, DD and Gil, spent a great week on the Sloop Clearwater working and as environmental educators and getting sail training on the Sloop Clearwater. (from 8am-10pm everyday- hard work and really great). You can apply too on their web site. We started at 79th St to Cold Spring to Verplanck to […]

The Beneficial MudBall Ball Review & Photos 2014

On June 1st The Masters Of Succession Presented: The 3rd BENEFICIAL MUDBALL BENEFICIAL MUD BALL (The MudBall Ball) A Garden Celebration of Bioremediation & Symbiosis. The MoS Collective comes together to Seed Serendipity one Piazza at a time. [] [ – old link ] [the SHORT LINK: ]   , What is the MudBall Ball? […]

[Shig] EM-1 Uses Guide 2014 updated

[Shig] Guide for EM-1 Uses Updated 5-2014.
USEd to: improve soil health (farming and gardening),
b. Applications to plants,
c. Applications to water and wastewater,
d. Recycling food waste and composting,
e. Odor and fumes reduction,
and f. Cleaning.

Wendell & Wes & Friends

Wes Jackson and Wendell Berry discuss Agriculture and the Future of Farming. Presented by The Cooper Union Institute for Sustainable Design in partnership with The Land Institute and The Berry Center.

[Shig] How many mud balls would it take to remediate the Gowanus?

A student at Columbia asked us after a TEd X Dumbo presentation in 2012, “How many mud balls would it take to clean the Gowanus and how much would that cost?”. The best answer would take careful study with pros who have remediated other large systems. However, Shig took the time to create an answer. […]

6/30 Hudson Rising Water Fest!

Learn to make Beneficial Mud Balls with MoS Collective at this festival. We will make some with you and  have some dry to throw which will help nourish and eat the waste in the marina water. We will have a limited quantity of bokashi & EM Activated starter bran for sale for those of you […]

5/26 The Beneficial Mud Ball Beneficial Ball!

Sunday A Bioremediation Participation Celebration!! with raw oysters and local beers, mud balls, seed bombs, the sound/cargo bike and bokashi. 1:30-2:30 The ride: Seed ball throwing music ride. Ride ends at The Mud Ball! Co-hosted by Meet at Gaia tree Tompkins Square Park. FACEBOOK invite 3 pm – 7 pm The Ball:  at El Jardin Del Paraiso […]

We need your help: Join us in Sandy Relief with EM-1.

Announcing EM•1 SANDY Relief: with a Google Group: Join the group and take a leadership role in this process. Contact us to be a leader. We will train you and teach you everything you need to know. It is not a long learning curve and it is a green business! Heal a disaster zone as […]

Lower East Side Gardens Harvest Festival! The MoS LaborAtoRy Arts!

The LUNGs Harvest Arts Festival Every Fall! The lower East Side Garden Arts Festival. There were amazing offerings of art making at 25 gardens throughout the lower east side. The Masters of Succession is set-up at La Plaza Cultural. The MoS Collective offers the MoS Laboratory Recipes at La Plaza Cultural Community Garden a whirlwind making a mess […]


(Dutch only Click to page for link to activate) EM Mudballs Movement in Belgium As a part of the EM Mudball Movement, our partner in Belgium organized a pilot project to purify a pond using EM™ mudballs. This is the first time that EM™ Mudballs are applied to treat sludge in Belgium. The Focus WTV […]

Fishermens’ Ball

Help us help our waterways Riverkeepers’ Fishermens’ Ball April 26, Chelsea Piers, NYC. Click for info and tickets. Make a commitment to safe water.

Climate, Mind and Behavior 2/17/2012 Symposium

Good questions on mind and behavior: This is an upcoming symposium presented by the Garrison Institute to discuss insights from the social, behavioral, and cognitive sciences and their application to pro-environmental programs, policies, and technologies. This was forwarded to us from a friend. —– Call for Abstracts and Proposals: 3rd Annual CMB Symposium, February 15 – 17, 2012 […]

EcoCities World Summit 2011 and 2013

MoS represented last year at Eco Cities 2011, in Montreal. MoS represented at the Montreal EcoCity World Summit. We went to the conference – viewed panels, shared time and poignant conversation with the founder Richard Register. Previously we had met him for an interview and tour of the East Village Gardens with Wendy Brawer of […]

Clean Water in US No Guarantee

Here is an article “Clean Water in US is No Guarantee” by Susan F. 2010 YaleGlobal Online via EpochTimes. I was searching through the site called Epoch Times because they are asking to interview the MoS Collective. So I read this: How do we make an active link with The iPhone WP app? — urr. […]

MoS at City of Water Day! NYC

We are not teaching Sustainability. We are teaching Succession. OFFERINGS at CITY OF WATER DAY: Kids helped us make Mud balls with activated beneficial microbes: They clean the water! We need to make 8 million mud balls!  Visitors signed up on the mailing list to be a part of the “1 million Apologies to Mother Earth” […]

MoS collects Oyster Shell Messages

The Masters of Succession were situated at the entrance of Noland Park next to EarthMatter‘s  lessons on composting and soil building.  Perfect combination of  soil succession and water revitalization. The Masters of Succession this time was orchestrated by Shig, Barbara, Marga, Carol and Dee Dee. The OYSTER SHELLS were consumed by last week’s patrons of Jimmy’s No. […]

Sat. July 24: Be Successive with the MoS!

City of Water Day Coming up! TESTING MUDBALLS at El Sol with Shig COME by us July 24th in the Noland Park Area to: Make EM mudballs to succeed dirty water Make an inscription on an oyster shells.  We will hang all the shells for people to read your prayers and wishes. Shells will at the […]

City of Water Day! _ July 24, Governors Island On the Water, For the Water Saturday, July 24, 2010 10am to 4pm Governors Island, NYC Liberty State Park, NJ Brooklyn Bridge Park, NYC Atlantic Basin, NYC City of Water Day is a FREE day of entertainment, education & adventure for the whole family celebrating the potential of our waterfront! From the upper Hudson […]

get your minds in the gutter

The School of the Future is a free ‘unschool’ where anyone can teach and anyone can learn. Adults and children welcome. And did I mention it was FREE?! Here are some of the classes we’d like to attend: Compost Brigade Pick up compost from McCarren park and bring it to Sgt. Dougherty for some experimental […]