Talk with Andrew Faust 7/27
” We will explore the spiritual, ethical and moral aspects of practicing a deep appreciation for the Earth, and the spiritual relationship between human beings and our ecology. Ecological crisis is interrelated with spiritual crisis and comes from an absence of a sense of the sacred and from a lack of awareness that our own well-being is intrinsically and inseparably interwoven with the well-being of the Earth. By becoming responsible stewards of the Earth, we can begin to heal human communities, spiritually and ecologically. We can live with vitality and abundance through locally-adapted, biologically- and community-powered infrastructures that cooperate with ecological health, and we can embrace educational models that enhance the evolution of ecological consciousness.”
Tue 7:00 PM
Sivananda Yoga Vedanta Center
243 West 24th Street, New York, NY 10011 212-255-4560
July 26th, 2010 at 11:53 pm
One Million Mud Balls would be a nice ritual and the event would make sacred a polluted area of water. It would also create local ownership of the progress of cleaning a particular area of water.