The Ephemeral Plaza Online!


MoS Labs Book 1 of 6 Bioremediation: The harbor phyto micro myco moss mollusk & me series.

Hi!!  Plaza Update! Testing has starting. Playing with friends is more like it. I can’t wait for the custom map because that has turned to be more of a learning curve. Defiantly more investment is needed.  If you want to be a tester with us let me know. Artists will love this. Several of the MoS and EVWC crew met late night Thanksgiving (after tired of zooming). We will play in the “Park” until we design and program The Ephemeral Plaza (Plaza Efmera, La Place Éphémère, Piazza Effimera on  All languages welcome.)


Why the piazza excitement? story:

“The plaza” is a long lost cultural lifestyle of health and prosperity. Older cultures have plazas pat-down but the US is trying to just catch up — against the conventional. Out of the brief past of the USA the “go-West” colonialists, pioneers, and settlers have made drive-through towns from East to West and North to South. Then exacerbated by the viral suburban sprawl then the viral suburban big box and strip malls, then the urban big box which brings target to Ave A in the East Village boutique, arts, cafe vibe. We are moving far from the true plaza lifestyles of abundance. Online shopping steals the last little of our community connectivity and local abundance.  Etsy is a giant company offering the local makers a place on the big stage.

For the past 60 yrs some planners and developers have been trying their best.  The plaza is not a financial winner for the big investors but it’s a small business financial winner & a beautiful lifestyle.

 For 10 yrs, with the MoS Collective participants, we’ve been bringing local leaders and an entrepreneurial permaculture minded together. We practice developing the plaza on the Lower East Side. We meet in the  community gardens. 

This past Spring. during CoVID lockdown at Grace Exhibitions Space, the MoS Labs plaza offerings became organized in to a pedagogy. I created a journey from “Microbes to Metropolis“– a beautiful story that actually makes more impact through a clearer offering — a story with science, imagination and inspiration. 

Out of it all I created a mix mash orderly mixup. Everything is a mix up interlocking network.  I put together a linear walk-through future evolution solution. 


Mos Labs Book 5: doodling the future!

The next incarnation of the journey from Microbes to Metropolis is “book 6” of this “chronicle”.  The practice, it’s all practice, of the plaza, the piazza, la place, the platz.
The Lower East Side: Face to Face Plaza

MoS Labs has chosen in the lower east side “the Plaza of the Wind“, which is outside of Grace and is incredible spacious, a windy perfect for CoVID free passaggiere. Perfect for twilight walks of serendipity. Out of the walks we will connect and inspire each other, offer and things will happen.

While still CoVID careful, we continue our work with our friends connecting on the Ephemeral Plaza where we can gather ffrom our city homes on this social map — meet, play, offer, teach, sell, chat, hang out. Highlighted by always going out everyday 5 to 8 for passaggiere.  That is it — so simple.

So we are weathering it out online to soon be back in the flow next summer outside but we haven’t lost any critical pleasurable movement building serendipity making. We can continue to meet, connect and to support other people.


Please support the MoS IOBY fundraiser and join us on the plaza. With the money raised MoS Labs will organize this vision for everyone to participate and grow this important, imperative, necessary lifestyle connectivity practice. A place where everyone receives dignity, creative inspiration based in the need to create lifestyles that also helps our water, air and soil, and selves. A place to be who you want to be in the space you want to see.

Consider funding this critical work. Any amount that fits your budget, $5 $100. But make it soon to double your impact with the matching funds!


Donation cat qrAfter this fundraiser closes:

 Go to the EphemeralPlaza membership portal. A membership access. it is a beautifully illustrated, growing plaza of people sharing themselves. The base map will grow, eb and flow. The community will grow. Each villager will have their own place if they like. Visitors can also saunter through to check out the offerings, go into spaces (if open).

I’m excited to get to work with skilled collaborators for serendipities and supporting small business so please support– watch plazas around the world spawn, sprout, and blossom for exponential spiral of connectivity that supports the beneficial succession of air, water, soil & selves.

Contact MoS to help and consider donating!

Fully customizable. donations include complimentary plaza visitor access. We will draw our own map and we will help the community make amazing spaces! Help hire for the talented programmer artists for the community and we help the community be healthier, build their connective abundance and their small businesses.



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