Thank you Italo! (Wee hours before Figment Sat.)

Italo helping with the ANTON Mini golf.

All ready.. have everything except time to sleep.  Time to thank a silent supporter who makes visions happen. Italo Morelli, the Executive Producer for all things MoS.

Thank you Italo for helping with Figment and New Museum! He even did a beautiful job sewing the hem arond the banner. Then provided an amazing feast and pot lock. While everyone puts in their wonderful contributions Italo steps in and makes it great even though he can not be green a most of the time with his clients. Budgit and time. However he is an expert in whole systems thinking. He is really busy with renovation work now too and still goes the extra bit to bring the MoS Visions to reality.
Sat we are:

1. First we rig up with the super rubber band he came across … the tubes John Eberenz put together  or just the old Lacrosse stick.   Pick up Mud Balls stockpiled in the alcove (hopefully dry) and set up for the 10:30 Launch fling. THE FIRST in the US!  We’ll aim to get a group.

2. Then we will go to the food spiral mini-golf to revive the flooded plants.

There is a thank-you reception for season long artists at 11am.

Not that Italo hasn’t done enough but he has now volunteered to take care of the irrigation system since Angelo can’t do it this week due to unforeseen. So far Italo has done a perfect job with the water barrel…(not to mention the beautiful yard scrap bin he threw together, helping me shop for supplies, directing the volunteers in the construction and shell design.. and then fine tuning it. He has also paid for a lot of the materials and we have used his truck, his gas, his workers, his wood shop, and his kitchen for feasting.

Today he went out of his way to Long Island to buy the timer and the tube tips for the 6 plants (which are probably flooded due to the hurricane rain and hail yesterday.) We will install that. Make holes in the pots — the small sub-irrigation pots don’t work when it floods a lot and the pots maybe too short. A 5 gallon bucket is best.

After Italo offered the tree house installation help. He and Alberto help install the huge staircase and cleaned up> we all made the last ferry.

3. Then we will go to pick up the trike at Earth Matter.

Catherine Wolcott has kindly printed out the posters I made for the last 2 nights and had them laminated. Keat helped me tonight to prepare, made web changes and she made Sangria for Sunday! Thanks Keat!
So we will be well adorned with communications. Lots of yummy food in a picnic baskets to share. Thanks Cath!
We’ll be roving around to see the sites with the  FooD SPiraling Ursurper trike > showing SOIL Building with worms to the kids, making bean seeds plants for people. Shig showing them the fermented bran for the food waste. Liz from Raganella will be anointing interested visitors with her organic sun screen and body mist.  We will keep our eyes out for food scraps and feed them to the worms or Shig’s bran. MoS Collective needs a body worker! Succession is a body that get less sore the more you use it.

I made a video of the downward -beneficial mud ball-shooting -bazookas put together by John Eberenz. He had one evening to make something. Italo was there with Alberto to attach them to the railing and offered to make them mobile somehow. He found a bungee cord in the truck.. rigged that up. Things are building as time is available.

Italo wants to design it well and do it as fast as able. Then he wants to help everyone around him?? Go figure.

The silent helper .. always bending  backwards for people. He must sleeps very well. Maybe the more you help people the deeper your sleep.  He never asks for anything in return. never says “you owe me”.  So a big thank-you to Italo.  Send him contracting work that is huge elaborate, creative, visionary, clean, functional design

Italo helping install the mud ball dropping bazookas. (offering a slight alteration so they are dynamic)

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